

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. She'll easily deceive thy utmost care.
  2. When two fond lovers are agreed to meet,
  3. Canst thou their well-concerted plot defeat?
  4. The ways of kindness thou shouldst rather use;
  5. By being civil thou wilt nothing lose;
  6. And when an opportunity is fail,
  7. For thy own sake be friendly to our pray'r.
  8. A friend be to thy lady, not a guard,
  9. And we, with bounteous hand, thy friendship will reward.
  1. Vice by my verse I never will defend,
  2. Nor by false arms to fence my own pretend.
  3. Frankly my failings I with shame confess;
  4. To hide my errors would not make them less.
  5. My faults, whate'er I suffer by't, I own,
  6. That others, if they please, those faults may shun
  7. I hate myself, my follies, and would fain
  8. Be, were it in my pow'r, another man.
  9. How difficult it is, ye righteous Gods,
  10. Against our wills to bear such heavy loads.
  11. I have not strength to guard myself from ill,