

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. The sharp-set hawks will stoop to any lure.
  2. Then grant again, lest he a habit get
  3. Of living from thee; but be sure thou let
  4. No empty lover in; murmur sometimes,
  5. And at first hurt, reproach him with thy crimes.
  6. Seem jealous, when thou'st been thyself to blame;
  7. 'Twill stop his mouth, if thou the first complain.
  8. All thou hast done be ready to forswear:
  9. For lovers' oaths fair Venus has no ear.
  10. Whilst lie is with thee, let some woman bring
  11. Some Indian stuff or foreign precious thing;
  12. Which thou must say thou want'st, and he must buy,
  13. Though for it six months hence in gaol he lie.
  14. Thy mother, sister, brother, and thy nurse,
  15. Must have a pull each at thy lover's purse.
  16. Let him from rivals never be secure,
  17. That hope once gone, love will not long endure;
  18. Show him the presents by those rivals sent,
  19. So shall his bounty thy request prevent.
  20. When he will give no more, ask him to lend: