

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. As suppliants use at altars, hold the board,
  2. Whene'er you wish the devil may take your lord.
  3. When he fills for you, never touch the cup,
  4. But bid th' officious cuckold drink it up:
  5. The waiter on those services employ;
  6. Drink you, and I will snatch it from the boy,
  7. Watching the part where your sweet mouth hath been,
  8. And thence, with eager lips, will suck it in.
  9. If he, with clownish manners, thinks it fit
  10. To taste, and offer you the nasty bit,
  11. Reject his greasy kindness, and restore
  12. Th' unsav'ry morsel he had chew'd before.
  13. Nor let his arms embrace your neck, nor rest
  14. Your tender cheek upon his hairy breast;
  15. Let not his hand within your bosom stray,
  16. And rudely with your pretty bubbies play.
  17. But, above all, let him no kiss receive,
  18. That's an offence I never can forgive;
  19. Do not, oh! do not that sweet mouth resign,
  20. Lest I rise up in arms, and cry 'tis mine.