

Ovid. Ovid's Art of Love (in three Books), the Remedy of Love, the Art of Beauty, the Court of Love, the History of Love, and Amours. Dryden, John, et al., translator. New York: Calvin Blanchard, 1855.

  1. Then thou shalt conquer many, then.thy darts
  2. Shall scatter thousand wounds on tender hearts:
  3. Thy shafts themselves will fly, thy neighb'ring fire
  4. Will catch mens' breasts, and kindle warm desire.
  5. Thus conqu'ring Bacchus looks in Indian groves,
  6. He drawn by tigers, thou by murm'ring doves.
  7. Well then, since I too can increase thy train,
  8. Spend not thy force on me, and rage in vain;
  9. Look on thy kinsman Caesar's happy slaves,
  10. The same victorious arm that conquers, saves.