Ab urbe condita

Titus Livius (Livy)

Livy. History of Rome, Volumes 1-2. Roberts, Canon, Rev, translator. London, New York: J. M. Dent and Sons; E. P. Dutton and Co., 1912.

This contribution still further estranged the feelings of the plebeians from Camillus. During these occurrences envoys from the Volscians and Aequi came to sue for peace. They succeeded in obtaining it, not so much because they deserved it as that the commonwealth, wearied with such a long war, might enjoy repose.

The[*](Internal Dissensions arising from the Conquest of Veii.) year following the capture of Veii had for the six consular tribunes two of the Publii Cornelii, namely, Cossus and Scipio, M. Valerius Maximus —for the second time —Caeso Fabius Ambustus —for the third time —L. Furius Medullinus —for the fifth time —and Q. Servilius —for the third time.

The war against the Faliscans was allotted to the Cornelii, that against Capenae to Valerius and Servilius. They did not make any attempt to take cities either by assault or investment, but confined themselves to ravaging the country and carrying off the property of the agriculturists; not a single fruit tree, no produce whatever, was left on the land.

These losses broke the resistance of the Capenates, they sued for peace and it was granted them. Amongst the Faliscans the war went on.

In Rome, meanwhile, disturbances arose on various matters. In order to quiet them it had been decided to plant a colony on the Volscian frontier, and the names of 3000 Roman citizens were entered for it. Triumvirs appointed for the purpose had divided the land into lots of 3 7/12 jugera per man.

This grant began to be looked upon with contempt, they regarded it as a sop offered to them to divert them from hoping for something better. “Why,” they asked, “were plebeians to be sent into banishment amongst the Volscians when the splendid city of Veii and the territory of the Veientines was within view, more fertile and more ample than the territory of Rome?”

Whether in respect of its situation or of the magnificence of its public and private buildings and its open spaces, they gave that city the preference over Rome.

They even brought forward a proposal, which met with still more support after the capture of Rome by the Gauls, for migrating to Veii.

They intended, however, that Veii should be inhabited by a portion of the plebs and a part of the senate;