

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Earth removes the impartial sod
  • Alike for beggar and for monarch's child:
  • Nor the slave of Hell's dark god
  • Convey'd Prometheus back, with bribe beguiled.
  • Pelops he and Pelops' sire
  • Holds, spite of pride, in close captivity;
  • Beggars, who of labour tire,
  • Call'd or uncall'd, he hears and sets them free.
  • Bacchus I saw in mountain glades
  • Retired (believe it, after years!)
  • Teaching his strains to Dryad maids,
  • While goat-hoof'd satyrs prick'd their ears.
  • Evoe! my eyes with terror glare;
  • My heart is revelling with the god;
  • 'Tis madness! Evoe! spare, O spare,
  • Dread wielder of the ivied rod!
  • Yes, I may sing the Thyiad crew,
  • The stream of wine, the sparkling rills
  • That run with milk, and honey-dew
  • That from the hollow trunk distils;