

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Allures you still. Come, tell me truth,
  • And trust my honour—That the name?
  • That wild Charybdis yours? Poor youth!
  • O, you deserved a better flame!
  • What wizard, what Thessalian spell,
  • What god can save you, hamper'd thus?
  • To cope with this Chimaera fell
  • Would task another Pegasus.
  • The sea, the earth, the innumerable sand,
  • Archytas, thou couldst measure; now, alas!
  • A little dust on Matine shore has spann'd
  • That soaring spirit; vain it was to pass
  • The gates of heaven, and send thy soul in quest
  • O'er air's wide realms; for thou hadst yet to die.
  • Ay, dead is Pelops' father, heaven's own guest,
  • And old Tithonus, rapt from earth to sky,