Res Rustica

Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus

Columella. On agriculture, Volume 1-2. Ash, Harrison Boyd; Foster, Edward Seymour; Heffner, Edward H., editors. Cambridge, MA; London: Harvard University Press; William Heinemann, Ltd., 1941.

ne aut cum volent ineant aut, si id facere [*](figurando S: figurandus AR. ) [*](ventrem S: vente A: ventum R. ) [*](aguntur SAR. a Vergil, Georg. III. 266 and 269-275. b The highest peak of the range of Mt. Ida. c A river of Bithynia (Strabo, XIV. 681). d The story of the impregnation of mares by the wind seems to be as old as Homer (Il. XVI. 150). )

prohibeantur, cupidine sollieitati[*]()noxam contrahant.[*]()Itaque vel in longinqua pascua marem placet ablegari, vel ad praesepia contineri: eoque tempore, quo vocatur a feminis, roborandus est largo cibo, et appropinquante vere hordeo ervoque [*]()saginandus, ut veneri supersit, quantoque fortior inierit, firmiora semina praebeat futurae stirpi.