De Medicina

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius

Celsus, Aulus Cornelius. De Medicina. Spencer, Walter George, translator. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University; London, England: W. Heinemann Ltd, 1935-1938.

26 Even slighter, while recent, is diarrhoea, in which the stool is liquid and more frequent than ordinary; and sometimes the pain is bearable, at times very severe, when it is a worse affair. But a flux from the bowel for one day is often salutary, and even for several days, provided that fever is absent and it subsides within seven days. For the body is purged, and whatever is about to cause a complaint inside is evacuated with advantage. But persistence is the danger; for it excites at times dysentery and feverishness and exhausts strength. It is sufficient on the first day to rest, and not to check the movement of the bowels. If it stops of itself, the patient should make use of the bath, and take a little food; if it persists, he should abstain, not only from for, but even from drink. If on the day following, in spite of all, the stool is still liquid, he should rest as before and take a little astringent food. On the third day he should go to the bath; be rubbed all over vigorously except the abdomen, sit with his loins and shoulder-blades before a fire; take food of an astringent kind, and a little undiluted wine. If on the fourth day the flux persists, he should eat more but provoke a vomit afterwards, and counter in a general way the diarrhoea by thirst, hunger and vomiting, until it subsides for it is scarcely possible that after so attending to it, the bowel will not be controlled. Another method to suppress the diarrhoea is to dine and then vomit; the next day to rest in bed, in the evening to be anointed, but lightly, then to eat about half a pound of bread soaked in undiluted Aminaean wine; after that something roasted, poultry in par=

ticular, and lastly to drink the same wine mixed with rain-water; and to do so until the fifth day, then vomit again. Now Asclepiades, against the opinion of previous writers, affirmed that the drink should be kept constantly cold, indeed as cold as possible. I myself hold that each should trust in his own experiences, whether hot than cold drink should be made us of. It sometimes happens also that this disorder, having been neglected for several days, is more difficult to relieve. Such a patient should commence with an emetic; then the following day at evening be anointed in a warm room; take food in moderation, and the sourest wine undiluted; a wax-salve with rue should be applied to the abdomen. In this affection neither walking nor rubbing is of benefit; sitting in a carriage and even more riding on horseback is advantageous; for nothing strengthens the intestines more. But if use is to be made of medicaments as well, the most suitable is that made from orchard fruit. At the time of the vintage, pears and crab apples are thrown into a large vessel; and if the latter are not to be had, green Tarentine or Signine pears, Scaudian, or Amerian apples, sweet-scented. To these are added quinces and pomegranates with their rind, service fruit, and those that are called torminalia, which we use by preference, so that these occupy one-third of the jar; then this is next to be fille up with must, and boiled until all the ingredients have become resolved into a uniform mass. It is not unpleasant to the taste, and taken as needed, it controls the bowel gently, without any harm to the stomach. It is enough to take in one day two or three
spoonfuls. Another composition is stronger: myrtle berries are gathered, and wine expressed from them is boiled down to one-tenth, of which a cup is sipped. A third can be prepared at any time by scooping out the inside of a pomegranate, removing all the seeds, and returning the pulp into the cavity, than raw eggs are pounded in, and stirred round with a small rod; next the fruit itself is heated over charcoal, for it does not burn so long as the inside is liquid; when the inside begins to dry the pomegranate is taken off the brazier and with a spoon the inside is scooped out and eaten. By certain acrid additions this remedy can be made more active; thus also it may be stirred up in peppered wine and mixed with salt and pepper, and so eaten. Pease porridge, with which a little of an old honeycomb has been boiled, also lentil porridge boiled with pomegranate rind, also a decoction of bramble tops eaten with oil and vinegar, are efficacious, as also draughts of a decoction of dates or quinces or dried service fruits or brambles. Such are the kind I refer to whenever I say an astringent draught should be administered. Also a half-pint of wheat is boiled in dry Aminaean wine, and first the wheat is eaten on a stomach empty both of food and drink, afterwards the wine itself is drunk and can be justly counted amongst the most active remedies. Also there can be given to drink Signian wine, or dry and resinated wine, or any other dry wine. And a pomegranate may be pounded up along with its rind and seeds, and mixed with wine of the above sort; the
patient either sips it undiluted, or drinks it mixed with water. But it is superfluous except in bad cases to make use of medicaments.

27 From the womb of a woman, also, there arises a violent malady; and next to the stomach this organ is affected the most by the body, and has the most influence upon it. At times it makes the woman so insensible that it prostrates her as if by epilepsy. The case, however, differs from epilepsy, in that the eyes are not turned nor is there foaming at the mouth nor spasm of sinews; there is merely stupor. In some women this attack recurs at frequent intervals and lasts throughout life. When this happens, if there is sufficient strength, blood-letting is beneficial; if too little, yet cups should be applied to the groins. If she lies prostrate for a long while, or if she has done so at other times, hold to her nostrils an extinguished lamp wick, or some other of these materials which I have referred to as having a specially foetid odour (III.20, 1), to arouse the woman. For the same end, affusion with cold water is also effectual. And there is benefit from rue pounded up with honey, or from a wax-salve made up with cyprus oil or from hot moist plasters of some sort applied to the external genitals as far as the pubes. At the same time also the hips and the backs of the knees should be rubbed. Then when she has come to herself, she should be cut off from wine for a whole year, even if a similar attack does not recur. Friction should be applied daily to the whole body, but particularly to the abdomen and behind the knees. Food of the middle class should be given: every third or fourth day mustard is to be applied over the hypogastrium until the skin is reddened. If induration

persists, a convenient emollient appears to be bitter sweet steeped in milk, then pounded and mixed with white wax and deer marrow in iris oil, or suet of beef or goat mixed with rose oil. Also there should be given in draught either castory, or git, or dill. If the womb is not healthy, it is cleaned with square rushes; but if it is actually ulcerated a wax-salve is made with rose oil, with pounded rose-leaves added to give it consistence. When painful the womb should be fumigated from below with sulphur. But if excessive menstruation is doing harm to the woman, the remedy is to scarify and cup the groins, or even to apply cups under the breasts. If the menstrual discharge is bad, the following medicaments are to be applied to evoke blood: costmary, pennyroyal, white violet, parsley, catmint and savory and hyssop. Let her include what is suitable in her diet: leeks, rue, cummin, onion, mustard, or any other acrid vegetable. If blood bursts out from the nose at a time when it should do so from the genitals, the groins are to be scarified and cupped, repeating this every thirtieth day for three or four months, then you may be sure that this affection has been cured. But if there is no show of blood, you may be sure that there are pains coming in the head. Then blood is to be let from the arms, and you have given relief at once.

. . . constricting remedies. White olives also produce the same effect, also black poppy seeds, taken

with honey, and liquid gum, mixed with pounded celery seeds, and given in a cupful of raisin wine. Besides the above, draughts suited for all bladder pains are made from aromatics, such as spikenard, saffron, cinnamon, cassia, and such like, also decoction of mastic does good. If in spite of these pain becomes intolerable and there is blood in the urine, venesection is proper, or at any rate wet cupping over the hips.

But when the urine exceeds in quantity the fluid taken, even if it is passed without pain, it gives rise to wasting and danger of consumption; if it is thin, there is need for exercise and rubbing, particularly in the sun and before a fire. The baths should be taken but seldom, and the patient should not stay in it for long; the food should be astringent, the wine dry and undiluted, cold in summer, lukewarm in winter, and in quantity the monument required to allay thirst. The bowels also are to be moved by a clyster or by taking milk. If the urine is thick, exercise and rubbing should be more though, and the patient should stay longer in the bath; food and wine should be of the lighter kind. In both affections, everything that promotes urine should be avoided.

28 There is also a complaint about the genitals, an excessive outflow of semen; which is produced without coition, without nocturnal apparitions, so that in course of time the man is consumed by wasting. Salutary remedies in this affection are: vigorous rubbings, affusions, swimming in quite cold water; no food and drink taken unless cold. He should, moreover, avoid everything

indigestible, everything flatulent; nothing should be taken of those things which appear to collect the semen, such things are siligo, simila, eggs, spelt, starch, all glutinous flesh, pepper, colewort, bulbs, pine kernels. It is not inexpedient to bathe the lower extremities in a decoction of astringent vervains, to cover the hypogastrium and groins with plasters prepared from the same decoction, and in particular from rue preserved in vinegar: also the patient should avoid sleeping on his back.

29 It remains for me to come to the extremities of the body which are interconnected by joints. I begin with the hips. In these severe pain is wont to occur, and this often weakens the patient, and some it never leaves: and on this account it is a difficult class to treat, for it is generally after chronic diseases that a pestiferous force directs itself to the hip; which, as it releases other parts, seizes upon this, which now becomes the seat of the disease. The hip is to be first fomented with hot water, after which hot plasters are applied. Those which appear to be especially beneficial are these: caper bark chopped up and mixed either with barley meal or with fig decoction, or darnel meal boiled in diluted wine and mixed with sour wine lees: since these are apt to grow cold, by night it is better to put on emollients. Inula root also pounded and afterwards boiled in dry wine and applied widely of the hip is among the most efficacious of remedies. If these do not resolve the trouble, then hot moist salt is to be employed. If even these measures do not end the pain, and a swelling supervenes, the skin is incised and cups are to be applied; diuretics are given; and the bowels if costive are to be clystered.

The ultimate measure and the most efficacious in cases of old standing, is to set up issues in three or four places over the hip by burning the skin with cauteries. But rubbing is also to be employed, particularly in the sun and often each day, in order that the materials of the disease, which have been doing harm by collecting, may be the more readily dispersed; and the rubbing is applied actually over the hips in the absence of ulceration; if there is any, then to other parts. Since now some issue often has to be set up by the hot cautery, in order that matter may be extracted, it is the general rule not to let ulcerations of this kind heal offhand, but to let them drag on until the complaint which we aim to relieve has quieted down.

30 Next to the hips come the knees, in which pain now and again occurs, and these same plasters and cuppings are a safeguard, as also when any pain arises in the shoulder or other joints. Riding on horseback is of all things the most injurious to anyone with painful knees. All such pains, when of long standing, are hardly ever ended except by cauterization.

31 Joint troubles in the hands and feet are very frequent and persistent, such as occur in cases of podagra and cheiragra. these seldom attack eunuchs or boys before coition with a woman, or women except those in whom the menses have become suppressed. Upon the commencement of pain blood should be let; for when this is carried out at once in the first stages it ensures health, often for a year, sometimes for always. Some also, when they have washed themselves out by drinking asses' milk, evade this disease in perpetuity; some have obtained lifelong

security by refraining from wine, mead and venery for a whole year; indeed this course should be adopted especially after the primary attack, even although it has subsided. But if the malady has already become established, it may be possible to act with more freedom in those seasons in which the pain tends to remit; but he should adopt more careful treatment at those times in which it recurs, which is generally in spring or autumn. Now when the pain requires it, in the morning the patient should be rocked; then carried to a promenade; there he should move about, and in the case of podagra he should take short turns at sitting down and walking about: next before taking food and without entering the bath itself, but in a hot room, he should be gently rubbed, sweated, and then douched with lukewarm water: the food following should be of the middle class; diuretics are given with it, and an emetic whenever he is of a fuller habit. When the pain is very severe, it makes a difference whether there is an absence of swelling, or a swelling with heat, or swellings which already hardened. For if there is no swelling, hot foments are needed. Either sea-water, or strong brine should be heated, then poured into a vessel; and as soon as he can bear it, the man puts his feet in, over the vessel is spread a cloak, and over him a blanket; after that hot water is poured over the lip of the vessel, a little at a time, to prevent the contents from losing heat: and then at night heating plasters are applied, especially mallow root boiled in wine. But if there is swelling and heat, refrigerants are more useful, and the joints may be rightly held in very cold water, but not every day, nor for long, lest the sinews become hardened. There is to be applied
also a cooling plaster; this, however, is not to be kept on for long, but a change made to those which soothe as well as repress. If pain is greater, rind of poppy-heads is to be boiled in wine, and mixed with wax-salve made up with rose oil; or wax and lard, equal parts, are melted together, and then the wine mixed with these; and as soon as this application becomes hot, it is to be removed and another immediately put on. But if the swellings have grown hard and are painful, the application of a sponge frequently squeezed out of oil and vinegar, or out of cold water, or the application of pitch, wax and alum, equal parts mixed, gives relief. There are also several emollients suitable alike for the hands and feet. But if the pain does not allow of anything being put on, when there is no swelling, the joint should be fomented with a sponge which has been dipped in a warm decoction of poppy-head rind, or of wild cucumber root, next the joints are smeared with saffron, poppy-juice and ewe's milk. But if there is a swelling, this ought to be bathed with a tepid decoction of mastic or some other repressant vervain, and then covered with a medicament composed of bitter almonds pounded up in vinegar, or of white lead, to which has been added the juice of pounded pellitory. The stone, too, which corrodes flesh, which the Greeks call sarcophagos, is carved out so as to admit the feet; when these are painful, they are inserted and held there, and are usually relieved. In Asia Minor Assian limestone is held in esteem for this purpose. When pain and inflammation have subsided, which should happen within forty days, unless the patient is in fault, gentle exercise, spare diet, soothing anoint-
ings, are to be employed, provided that also then the joints may be rubbed with an anodyne salve or with a liquid wax-salve of cyprus oil. But riding on horseback is harmful for those with podagra. Those, too, in whom joint-pains tend to recur at certain seasons ought both to take precautions beforehand as to their diet, lest there should be a surfeit of harmful material in the body, and to use an emetic the most frequently; and those in any anxiety as to their body should make use of clystering, or of purgation by milk. This treatment for those with podagra was rejected by Erasistratus, lest a flux directed downwards might fill up the feet, though it is evident that any purgation extracts, not only from the upper parts, but also from the lower as well.

32 Now from whatever disease he is recovering, if his convalescence is slow, the patient ought to keep awake from dawn, but nevertheless stay at rest in bed: about nine o'clock he should be gently stroked over with anointed hands, after that by way of amusement, and as long as he pleases, walk, all business being omitted: then he should use conveyances for a good while, be rubbed much, often change his residence, climate and diet. Having taken wine for three or four days, he should for one or two days drink water only. For thus he will ensure that he does not lapse into a complaint which causes wasting, but soon gets back his full strength. When he has, in fact, completely recovered, it will be dangerous for him suddenly to change his way of life and to act without restraint. Therefore he should only little by little leave off what has been prescribed, and pass to a way of life of his own choosing.


I have spoken of those maladies of the body in which the regulation of the diet is most helpful: now I pass on to that part of medicine which combats rather by medicaments. These were held of high value by ancient writers, both by Erasistratus and those who styled themselves Empirics, especially how by Herophilus and his school, insomuch that they treated no kind of disease without them. A great deal has also been recorded concerning the powers of medicaments, as in the works of Zeno or of Andreas or of Apollonius, surnamed Mys. On the other hand, Asclepiades dispense with the use of these for the most part, not without reason; and since nearly all medicaments harm the stomach and content bad juices, he transferred all his treatment rather to the management of the actual diet. But while in most diseases that is the more useful method, yet very many illnesses attack our bodies which cannot be cured without medicaments. This before all things it is well to recognize, together, that it is impossible to separate off any

one part completely, but each gets its name from the treatment which it uses most. Therefore, both that which treats by dieting has recourse at times to medicaments, and that which combats disease mainly by medicaments ought also to regulate diet, which produces a good deal of effect in all maladies of the body.

But since all medicaments have special powers, and afford relief, often when simple, often when mixed, it does not seem amiss beforehand to state both their names and their virtues and how to compound them, that there may be less delay when we are describing the treatment itself.

1 The following suppress bleeding: Blacking with the Greeks call chalcanthon, copper ore, acacia, and lycium with water, frankincense, lign-aloe, gums, lead sulphide, leek, polygonum; Cimolian chalk or potter's clay, antimony sulphide; cold water, wine, vinegar; alum from Melos, iron and copper scales and of this last there are two kinds, one from ordinary copper, the other from red copper.