

Vergil. The Poems of Vergil. Rhoades, James, translator. London: Oxford University Press, 1921.

  1. Nor be thy dogs last cared for; but alike
  2. Swift Spartan hounds and fierce Molossian feed
  3. On fattening whey. Never, with these to watch,
  4. Dread nightly thief afold and ravening wolves,
  5. Or Spanish desperadoes in the rear.
  6. And oft the shy wild asses thou wilt chase,
  7. With hounds, too, hunt the hare, with hounds the doe;
  8. Oft from his woodland wallowing-den uprouse
  9. The boar, and scare him with their baying, and drive,
  10. And o'er the mountains urge into the toils
  11. Some antlered monster to their chiming cry.