

Vergil. The Poems of Vergil. Rhoades, James, translator. London: Oxford University Press, 1921.

  1. Of Libya's shepherds why the tale pursue?
  2. Why sing their pastures and the scattered huts
  3. They house in? Oft their cattle day and night
  4. Graze the whole month together, and go forth
  5. Into far deserts where no shelter is,
  6. So flat the plain and boundless. All his goods
  7. The Afric swain bears with him, house and home,
  8. Arms, Cretan quiver, and Amyclaean dog;
  9. As some keen Roman in his country's arms
  10. Plies the swift march beneath a cruel load;
  11. Soon with tents pitched and at his post he stands,
  12. Ere looked for by the foe.