

Vergil. The Poems of Vergil. Rhoades, James, translator. London: Oxford University Press, 1921.

  1. Then thou shalt suffer in alternate years
  2. The new-reaped fields to rest, and on the plain
  3. A crust of sloth to harden; or, when stars
  4. Are changed in heaven, there sow the golden grain
  5. Where erst, luxuriant with its quivering pod,
  6. Pulse, or the slender vetch-crop, thou hast cleared,
  7. And lupin sour, whose brittle stalks arise,
  8. A hurtling forest. For the plain is parched
  9. By flax-crop, parched by oats, by poppies parched
  10. In Lethe-slumber drenched. Nathless by change
  11. The travailing earth is lightened, but stint not
  12. With refuse rich to soak the thirsty soil,
  13. And shower foul ashes o'er the exhausted fields.
  14. Thus by rotation like repose is gained,
  15. Nor earth meanwhile uneared and thankless left.
  16. Oft, too, 'twill boot to fire the naked fields,
  17. And the light stubble burn with crackling flames;
  18. Whether that earth therefrom some hidden strength
  19. And fattening food derives, or that the fire
  20. Bakes every blemish out, and sweats away
  21. Each useless humour, or that the heat unlocks
  22. New passages and secret pores, whereby
  23. Their life-juice to the tender blades may win;
  24. Or that it hardens more and helps to bind
  25. The gaping veins, lest penetrating showers,
  26. Or fierce sun's ravening might, or searching blast
  27. Of the keen north should sear them. Well, I wot,
  28. He serves the fields who with his harrow breaks
  29. The sluggish clods, and hurdles osier-twined
  30. Hales o'er them; from the far Olympian height
  31. Him golden Ceres not in vain regards;
  32. And he, who having ploughed the fallow plain
  33. And heaved its furrowy ridges, turns once more
  34. Cross-wise his shattering share, with stroke on stroke
  35. The earth assails, and makes the field his thrall.
  36. Pray for wet summers and for winters fine,
  37. Ye husbandmen; in winter's dust the crops
  38. Exceedingly rejoice, the field hath joy;
  39. No tilth makes Mysia lift her head so high,
  40. Nor Gargarus his own harvests so admire.
  41. Why tell of him, who, having launched his seed,
  42. Sets on for close encounter, and rakes smooth
  43. The dry dust hillocks, then on the tender corn
  44. Lets in the flood, whose waters follow fain;
  45. And when the parched field quivers, and all the blades
  46. Are dying, from the brow of its hill-bed,
  47. See! see! he lures the runnel; down it falls,
  48. Waking hoarse murmurs o'er the polished stones,
  49. And with its bubblings slakes the thirsty fields?
  50. Or why of him, who lest the heavy ears
  51. O'erweigh the stalk, while yet in tender blade
  52. Feeds down the crop's luxuriance, when its growth
  53. First tops the furrows? Why of him who drains
  54. The marsh-land's gathered ooze through soaking sand,
  55. Chiefly what time in treacherous moons a stream
  56. Goes out in spate, and with its coat of slime
  57. Holds all the country, whence the hollow dykes
  58. Sweat steaming vapour?
  1. But no whit the more
  2. For all expedients tried and travail borne
  3. By man and beast in turning oft the soil,
  4. Do greedy goose and Strymon-haunting cranes
  5. And succory's bitter fibres cease to harm,
  6. Or shade not injure. The great Sire himself
  7. No easy road to husbandry assigned,
  8. And first was he by human skill to rouse
  9. The slumbering glebe, whetting the minds of men
  10. With care on care, nor suffering realm of his
  11. In drowsy sloth to stagnate. Before Jove
  12. Fields knew no taming hand of husbandmen;
  13. To mark the plain or mete with boundary-line—
  14. Even this was impious; for the common stock
  15. They gathered, and the earth of her own will
  16. All things more freely, no man bidding, bore.
  17. He to black serpents gave their venom-bane,
  18. And bade the wolf go prowl, and ocean toss;
  19. Shooed from the leaves their honey, put fire away,
  20. And curbed the random rivers running wine,
  21. That use by gradual dint of thought on thought
  22. Might forge the various arts, with furrow's help
  23. The corn-blade win, and strike out hidden fire
  24. From the flint's heart. Then first the streams were ware
  25. Of hollowed alder-hulls: the sailor then
  26. Their names and numbers gave to star and star,
  27. Pleiads and Hyads, and Lycaon's child
  28. Bright Arctos; how with nooses then was found
  29. To catch wild beasts, and cozen them with lime,
  30. And hem with hounds the mighty forest-glades.
  31. Soon one with hand-net scourges the broad stream,
  32. Probing its depths, one drags his dripping toils
  33. Along the main; then iron's unbending might,
  34. And shrieking saw-blade,—for the men of old
  35. With wedges wont to cleave the splintering log;—
  36. Then divers arts arose; toil conquered all,
  37. Remorseless toil, and poverty's shrewd push
  38. In times of hardship. Ceres was the first
  39. Set mortals on with tools to turn the sod,
  40. When now the awful groves 'gan fail to bear
  41. Acorns and arbutes, and her wonted food
  42. Dodona gave no more. Soon, too, the corn
  43. Gat sorrow's increase, that an evil blight
  44. Ate up the stalks, and thistle reared his spines
  45. An idler in the fields; the crops die down;
  46. Upsprings instead a shaggy growth of burrs
  47. And caltrops; and amid the corn-fields trim
  48. Unfruitful darnel and wild oats have sway.
  49. Wherefore, unless thou shalt with ceaseless rake
  50. The weeds pursue, with shouting scare the birds,
  51. Prune with thy hook the dark field's matted shade,
  52. Pray down the showers, all vainly thou shalt eye,
  53. Alack! thy neighbour's heaped-up harvest-mow,
  54. And in the greenwood from a shaken oak
  55. Seek solace for thine hunger.