

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Girt with her foul emasculate throng,
  • By Fortune's sweet new wine befool'd,
  • In hope's ungovern'd weakness strong
  • To hope for all; but soon she cool'd,
  • To see one ship from burning 'scape;
  • Great Caesar taught her dizzy brain,
  • Made mad by Mareotic grape,
  • To feel the sobering truth of pain,
  • And gave her chase from Italy,
  • As after doves fierce falcons speed,
  • As hunters 'neath Haemonia's sky
  • Chase the tired hare, so might he lead
  • The fiend enchain'd; she sought to die
  • More nobly, nor with woman's dread
  • Quail'd at the steel, nor timorously
  • In her fleet ships to covert fled.