

Horace. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace. Conington, John, translator. London: George Bell and Sons, 1882.

  • Damalis tosses off her wine,
  • But Bassus sure must prove her match tonight.
  • Give us roses all to twine,
  • And parsley green, and lilies deathly white.
  • Every melting eye will rest
  • On Damalis' lovely face; but none may part
  • Damalis from our new-found guest;
  • She clings, and clings, like ivy, round his heart.
  • Now drink we deep, now featly tread
  • A measure; now before each shrine
  • With Salian feasts the table spread;
  • The time invites us, comrades mine.
  • 'Twas shame to broach, before today,
  • The Caecuban, while Egypt's dame
  • Threaten'd our power in dust to lay
  • And wrap the Capitol in flame,