Unknown Perseus:bib:oclc, 254557372. Diwan-i Hwaga Sams-ad-Din
Muhammad Hafiz Sirazi qaddas sarra-yi al-aziz ba tamam. edited by Muhammad
Qazwini and Qasim Gani as available on ganjoor.net. Tehran, Caphana-i Maglis.
English Perseus:bib:oclc, 559481156. The Dīvān .Translated for
the first time out of the Persian into English prose, with critical and
explanatory remarks, with an introductory preface, with a note on Ṣūfīism, and
with a life of the author, by H. Wilberforce Clarke. Calcutta, India. 1891.
German Perseus:bib:oclc, 6773200. Mohammed Schemsed-din Hafis,
Der Diwan, Aus dem Persischen zum erstenmal ganz übersetzt von Joseph von
Hammer-Purgstall. Stuttgart and Tübingen, 1812.