A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

(Πατροκλῆς), artists.

1. A statuary, who is placed by Pliny (H. N. xxxiv. 8. s. 19), with Naucydes, Deinomenes, and Canachos II., at the 95th Olympiad, B. C. 400, which exactly agrees with the statement of Pausanias, that he made some of the statues in the great group dedicated by the Lacedaemonians at Delphi, in memory of the victory of Aegospotami (Panus. 10.9.4). Pliny mentions him among the artists who made athletas et armatos et venatores sacrificantesque (l.c. § 34). Pausanias mentions a son and disciple of Pitrocles, named Daedalus, who flourished at the very same time as his father [DAEDALUS, No. 2]. Since Daedalus is called by Pausanias a Sicyonian, Sillig supposes that Patrocles

was of the same state. Thiersch (Epochen, p. 125) suggests the ingenious, but unfounded idea, tllat he was the same person as Patrocles, the half-brother of Socrates on the mother's side: surely, if so, he would not have employed his art in celebrating the ruin of his own city ! It is more probable that he was one and the same person with the following artist:--