A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

a Spanish presbyter, a native, as we gather from his own words (Histor. 7.22), of Tarragona, flourished under Arcadius and Honorius. Having conceived a warm admiration for the character and talents of St. Augustine, he passed over into Africa about A. D. 413, in order that he might consult him upon the dogmas of the Priscillianists, which at that period were a source of great dissension in the churches of the Western peninsula. The bishop of Hippo flattered by the deep respect of this disciple, gave him a most cordial reception, and after imparting such instructions as he deemed most essential, despatched him to Syria in 414 or 415, ostensibly for the purpose of completing his theological education under St. Jerome, who was dwelling at Bethlehem, but in reality to counteract the influence and expose the principles of Pelagius, who had resided for some years in Palestine. Orosius having found a warm friend in Jerome, began to carry out the object of his mission by industriously spreading the intelligence that Coelestius had been condemned by the Carthaginian synod, impressing at the same time upon all the close connection which subsisted between this convicted heretic and Pelagius, against whom he at length brought a direct charge of false doctrine. The cause was formally heard before the tribunal of John, bishop of Jerusalem, and ended in the discomfiture of the accuser, who, having indulged in some disrespectful expressions towards the judge, was in turn denounced as a blasphemer. He remained in the East until he had ascertained the unfavourable result of the appeal to the council of Diospolis, after which, having obtained possession of the relics of St. Stephen, the protomartyr, the place of whose sepulture had not long before been marvellously revealed, he returned with them to Africa, and there, it is believed, died, but at what period is not known.
