A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

6. The last philosopher of any celebrity in the Neo-Platonic school of Alexandria. He lived in the first half of the sixth century after Christ, in the reign of the emperor Justinian. He was a younger contemporary, and possibly a pupil, of Damnascius; the partiality which he uniformly shows for him, and the preference which he gives him even above Proclus, seem to indicate this. Our knowledge of Olympiodorus is derived from those works of his which have come down to us. From a passage in his scholia to the Alcibiades Prior of Plato, Creutzer has acutely inferred that he taught before the Athenian school was finally suppressed by Justinian, that is, before A. D. 529 ; though the confiscations to which the philosophers were being subjected are alluded to. And in various other passages the philosophy of Proclus and Damascius is spoken of as still in existence.