A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

(Νικαγόρας), historical.

1. A Messenian, connected by the ties of hospitality with Archidamus, king of Sparta. When Archidamus fled into Messenia, Nicagoras provided him with a dwelling and all necessaries; and when Cleomenes held out hopes to Archidamus of his restoration, Nicagoras conducted the negotiations, and in the end accompanied him back to Sparta. Archidamus was put to death by Cleomenes, but Nicagoras was spared. Having subsequently met Cleomenes at Alexandria, when compelled to fly to the court of his friend Ptolemy Euergetes [CLEOMENES, Vol. I. p. 795], Nicagoras endeavoured to avenge the death of Archidamus by inducing Sosibius to charge Cleomenes with conspiring against the king's life. Cleonenes was placed in confinement, but afterwards escaped. (Plb. 5.37, &c.; Plut. Agis et Cleom. p. 821b.)