A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

3. Of ANCYRA, of which city he was metropolitan. Macarius lived in the earlier part of the fifteenth century, and was author of a work against the Latin church and its advocates, entitled Κατα τῆς τῶν Λατίνων κακοδοξίας καὶ κατὰ Βαρλαὰμ καὶ Ἀκινδύνον, Adxersus Maligna Latinorium Dogmata et contra Barlaam et Acindynum. The work is extant only in MS., but has been cited in several places by Allatius in his De Eccles. Occident. et Orient. perpet. Consensione. Allatits characterizes the work as trifling and full of absurdities; but Cave considers that the citations given by Allatius himself by no means justify his censure. (Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 1430; Fabricius, Bibl. Graec. vol. viii. p. 367.)