A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

2. Cn.HosidiusGeta, was propraetor of Numidia under the emperor Claudius iN A. D. 42. He defeated and chased into the desert a Moorish chief named Sabalus : but his army was in extreme distress for water, and Hosidius was doubtful whether to retreat or continue the pursuit, when a Numidian recommended him to try magical arts to procure rain. Hosidius made the experiment with such success, that his soldiers were immediately relieved ; and Sabalus deeming him a man of preternatural powers, surrendered. (D. C. 60.9.) Hosidius was afterwards legatus of A. Plautius in Britain, when he obtained so signal a victory over the British, that, although a subordinate officer, he obtained the triumphal ornaments. (Id. 60.20.) According to an inscription (Reines. p. 475; compare Reimarus, ad Dion. Cass. 60.9), Hosidius was one of the supplementary consuls in A. D. 49.

It is uncertain to what Hosidius Geta the annexed coin refers.
