A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

the pupil and friend of Philastrius [PHILASTRIUS], was, upon the death of his master, elected to the vacant see of Brescia by the united voice of both clergy and laity. laving received intelligence of his elevation while travelling in the east, he sought to decline the responsibility of the sacred office. But being warmly pressed by Ambrose, and threatened at the same time with excommunication by the oriental bishops in case he should persist in a refusal, his scruples were at length overcome. The most remarkable event of his subsequent career was the embassy which he undertook to the court of Arcadius, in A. D. 405, in behalf of Chrysostom, who has commemorated with eloquent gratitude this mark of attachment, although it was productive of no happy result. The year in which Gaudentius was born is unknown, as well as that in which he was raised to the episcopate, and that in which he died. Tillemont fixes upon A. D. 410 as the period of his decease, while by others it is brought down as low as 427.
