A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

or PHANGO, C. FUFI'CIUS, originally a common soldier, and probably of African blood, whom Julius Caesar raised to the rank of senator. When, in B. C. 40, Octavianus annexed Numidia and part of the Roman Africa to his share

of the triumviral provinces, he appointed Fango his prefect. But his title in Numidia was opposed by T. Sextius, the prefect of M. Antonius. They appealed to arms, and after mutual defeats and victories, Fango was driven into the hills that bounded the Roman province to the north-west. There, mistaking the rushing of a troop of wild buffaloes for a night attack of Numidian horse, he slew himself. (D. C. 48.22_24; Appian, App. BC 5.26.) In Cicero's epistles to Atticus (14.10.), FSranqones is probably a misreading for Fam.qones, and refers to C. Fuficius.
