A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology

Smith, William

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890

(Βόγης), the Persian governor of Eion in Thrace, when Xerxes invaded Greece in B. C. 480. Boges continued to hold the place till B. C. 476, when it was besieged by the Athenians under Cimon. Boges, finding that he was unable to defend the town, and refusing to surrender it, killed his wife, children, and family, and set fire to the place, in which he himself perished. (Hdt. 7.113, 107; Plut. Cim. 7, who calls him Βουτης; Paus. 8.8.5, who calls him Βοής; Polyaen. 7.24, who calls him Βόργης; comp. Diod. 11.60.)