
Hebrew Bible

Hebrew Bible, Isaias, Ottley, Cambridge, 1904

10 For thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength; therefore thou plantest plants of pleasantness, and settest them with slips of a stranger;

11 In the day of thy planting dost thou make a hedge, and in the morning thou makest thy seed to bud; a harvest heap in the day; of pain and deadly sorrow.

12 Ah, the uproar of many peoples, they roar like the roaring of seas; and the tumult of nations, they are tumultuous like the tumult of mighty waters l

13 Nations are tumultuous like the tumult of many waters; and (one) rebuketh him, and he fleeth afar off, and is chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and as whirling dust before the tempest.

[*](5. Or, ‘and with his arm...)[*](6. Or, perhaps, ‘four or five in its fruit-bearing ’)[*](7, 8. ‘gaze ’ i. e. with regard or respect.)[*](9. Heb. ‘of the HORESH and the AMIR’; not, unlike ‘Hivite and in some scripts: Lagarde emends accordingly. (Cf. Greek, note inverse order.))[*](10. Lit. ‘plants of pleasant ones’ (‘plants of Adonis,’)[*](11. Or, ‘the harvest fleeth away in the day of’... ‘pain’ has been by some for a different word, meaning (expected) ‘possession.’)

14 At eventide, and behold terror; before the morning, he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.

XVIII. 1 Ah, land of the rustling of wings, whichart beyond the rivers of Cush !

2 That sendest envoys on the sea, and in vessels of papyrus on the face of the waters: Go, ye swift messengers, to a nation tall and polished, to a people terrible since it was and onward, a nation of line, line, and treading down, whose land the rivers divide.

3 All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, when a standard is lifted up on (the) mountains, see ye: and when a trumpet is blown, hear ye.

4 For so the Lord said unto me: I will be quiet, and I will behold in my dwelling place, while there is clear heat upon the light, a mist-cloud in the heat of harvest.

5 For afore the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becometh a ripening grape-bunch, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and remove and cut down the branches.

6 They shall be left together unto the bird of prey of the mountains, and to the beasts of the earth; and the bird-of prey shall summer upon it, and all the beasts of the earth shall winter upon it.

7 In that time shall a present be brought unto the Lord of Hosts, a people tall and polished, and from a people terrible since it was and onward: a nation of line, line, and treading down, whose land the rivers divide: unto the place of the name of the Lord of Hosts, mount Zion.

[*](1. Or, ‘land with shadow on both sides ’ (very uncertain).)[*](2. Or, ‘terrible near and ’ and so ver. 7.)[*](4. Or, ‘like clear ’: ‘ upon the light,’ or, light,’)[*](5 fin. Or, ‘ cut away the branches.)[*](7 i.e. ‘ from (?) a people tall...´ θc.)

XIX. The burden of Egypt.

1 Behold, the Lord rideth upon a swift cloud, and cometh to Egypt; and the false gods of Egypt shall shake at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the midst of it.

2 And I will stir up Egypt against Egypt, and they shall fight everyone against his brother, and everyone against his neighbour; city against city, kingdom against kingdom.

3 And the spirit of Egypt shall be made empty in the midst of it; and I will swallow up the counsel thereof; and they shall inquire of the false gods, and the mutterers, and them that have familiar spirits, and the wizards.

4 And I will confine Egypt into the hand of a hard lord; and a harsh king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts.

5 And the waters shall waste fromthe sea, and the river shall be parched and dried up.

6 And the rivers shall stink, the canals of Mazor are emptied and parched up ; reed and flag wither.

7 The meadows by the Nile, by the brink of the Nile, and every sown field by the Nile, shall dry up, be driven away, and be no more.

8 And the fishers shall sigh, and all they that cast angle into the Nile shall mourn, and they that spread nets upon the face of the waters shall languish.