The Shepherd of Hermas


Hermas. The Apostolic Fathers with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake. In Two Volumes. Vol. II. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann Ltd. 1913

Fear, said he, the Lord and keep his[*](Fear) commandments. By keeping, therefore, the commandments of God you shall be strong in every act, and your conduct shall be beyond compare. For by fearing the Lord you shall do all things well, and this is the fear with which you must fear and be saved.

But the devil do not fear, for by fearing the Lord you have power over the devil because there is no might in him. But where there is no might, neither is there fear. But where there is glorious might, there is also fear. For everyone who has might gains fear. But he who has not might is despised by all.

But fear the works of the devil, because they are evil. If therefore, you fear the Lord you shall not do them, but depart from them.

There are therefore two sorts of fear. For if you wish to do that which is evil, fear the Lord and you shall not do it. But, on the other hand, if you wish to do that which is good, fear the Lord, and you shall do it. So that the fear of the Lord is mighty and great and glorious. Therefore fear the Lord and you shall live in him. And whosoever shall fear him and keep his commandments, shall live to God.

Wherefore, sir, said I, did you say of those who keep his commandments, they shall live to God? Because, said he, the whole creation fears the Lord, but it does not keep his commandments. Those, therefore

who fear him and observe his commandments,—it is they who have life with God. But as for those who do not observe his commandments, neither have they life in him.