

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

LVI. Thus saith the Lord, Guard ye judgment, do righteousness; for my salvation is come near to appear, and my mercy to be revealed.

2 Happy is ’the man that doeth this, and the mortal that holdeth fast thereto, and guardeth the sabbaths, not to pollute them, and watcheth his hands, to do no wrong.

3 Let not the stranger, that cleaveth to the Lord, say, Then will the Lord separate me from his people; and let not the eunuch say, I am a dry tree.

4 Thus saith the Loid to all the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose out what I desire, and hold fast to my covenant:

5 I will give to them in my house and within my wall ’ a notable place; (it is) better than sons and daughters; an everlasting name will I give to them, and it shall not fail;

6 And to all the strangers that cleave to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the, Lord, that they may be to him for bondmen and for bondwomen; and ’for) all them that. keep my sabbaths, not to pollute them, and hold fast to my covenant,

7 Ι will bring them in to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in the house of my prayer; their whole burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar. For mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations,

8 Saith the Lord that gathereth together the dispersed of Israel, for I will gather unto him a gathering.

[*](3. ‘stranger,’ lit. ‘stranger-born,’ and so ver. 6. (Cf. Exod. xii. 43.))[*](5. Omit ‘(it is),’)[*](6. B reads. 'being,' or ‘by being to him,' c. (expression in the style Aquila))

9 All ye wild beasts of the field, come hither and eat, all ye wild beasts of the forest.

10 See ye, that all are utterly blinded, they have not learnt ’ to have understanding; dumb dogs all, they will not be able to bark; dreaming on their couch, prone to slumber.

11 And the dogs are insatiate of heart, and ’know not satisfy- ing; and they are wicked, knowing no wisdom; all follow their own ways, each after the same manner.

12 * * * * * * *

LVII. I See ye, how the righteous hath perished, and no man accepts it in his heart, and righteous men are taken away, and no man considereth; for from the face of wrong hath the righteous been taken away,

2. His burial shall be in peace, he is removed out of the midst;

3 But draw ye near hither, sons that are transgressors, ye seed of adulterers and a whore.

4 Wherein do ye take delight? and against whom open ye your mouth? and against whom do ye drop out your tongue? are ye not children of perdition, a transgressing seed?

5 Ye, that call upon your idols under leafy trees, that slay your children in the valleys amid ’rocksl

6 That is your portion, this is your lot: and for those thou didst pour out drink-offerings, and to those thou didst bring sacrifices: shall I not then be wroth for this?

7 Upon a mountain high and lofty, there was thy couch, and there broughtest thou up sacrifices

[*](10. Omit ‘to have understanding,’ B. (Cf. xliv. 18.) Omit ‘all,’ 'dogs,' B*. 'prone,' lit. ‘loving’ to slumber.)[*](11 fin. ‘his own manner.' B.)[*](ver. 12. Supplied from ’l’heodotion in some Mss.)[*](4. 'Wherein,’ or, ‘at whom...take delight?' (or, ‘revel,’ ‘make sport’).)[*](6. ‘ and to those ’: ‘ and to these,' BQ mg)

8 And behind the posts of thy door didst thou set thy memorials; thou thoughtest, that if thou shouldst revolt from me, thou wouldst gain advantage; thou lovedst them that lay with thee,

9 And didst multiply thine adultery with them, and madest many them that were far off from thee, and didst send envoys - beyond thy borders, and tumedst away, and wert abased even to hell.

10 By thy much journeyings ’thou wert wearied, and saidst not, I will cease; being strong in that thou didst thus; therefore thou besoughtest me not.

11 Of whom wast thou ware, and fearedst; and didst deceive me, and rememberedst me not, neither tookest me into thy thought? and I saw thee, and looked aside, and thou fearedst not me.

12 And I declare. my righteousness, and thy evil deeds; which shall not profit thee.

13 When thou criest out, let them deliver thee in thy affliction for a wind shall take all these, and a tempest shall hear them away. But they that hold fast to me shall possess the earth, ἢ and shall inherit my holy mountain,

14 And they shall say, Cleanse the paths before his face; remove stumbling blocks from the way of my people.

15 Thus saith the Lord, the highest among the high, that inhabiteth eternity, Holy among the holy is his name, the Lord, the highest, resting among the holy, and giving patience to the faint hearted, and giving life to them whose hearts are crushed:

16 And not for ever will I punish you, nor ’I alway be angry with you 3 for a spirit shall go forth from me, and I have made every breath.

[*](9. Omit ‘and turnedst away,' ℵ*B. (Aq., Symm., Theod. omit.))[*](13. 'I will declare.' ℵBQ: thy righteousness,' ℵ*BQ a (Aq., S . Th.).)[*](14.. ‘ stumbling blocks ’: or, 'stakes, ’ ‘thorns.’)[*](15. Omit ‘the Lord,' B twice (ℵ* first)[*](16 init. Omit 'And... ’ ℵBQ)

17 For sin I troubled him a little while, and I smote him, and turned my face from him; and he was troubled, and went gloomily in his ways.

18 I have seen his ways, and I healed him, and comforted him, and gave him true comfort,

19 Peace upon peace to them that are far off, and them that are near; and the Lord said, I will heal them:

20 But so the unrighteous shall be tossed as waves, and shall not be able to rest.

21 There is no rejoicing, saith the Lord God, for the wicked.

LVIII. I Cry out with strength, and spare not, lift up thy voice as a trumpet, and declare to thy people their sins, and to the house of Jacob their transgressions.

2 They will seek me day by day, and desire to know my ways: as a people that hath practised the righteousness of God, and hath not forsaken the judgment of its God; they ask of me now righteous judgment, and desire to draw near to God,

3 Saying, Why is it that we have fasted, and thou sawest not? humbled our souls, and thou perceivedst not? for in the days of your fast ye find your desires, and vex all those subject unto you.

4 Ye fast for quarrels and strife, and smite a humble man with fists; wherefore fast ye before me as to-day, for your voice to be heard in clamour?

5 This is not the fast that I choose, and a day for a man to humble his soul; not even if thou bend thy neck like a ring, and spread sackcloth and ashes under thee, not even so shall ye call it an acceptable fast.

[*](20. ‘ Omit ‘so.’)[*](21. Omit ‘the Lord.' B.)[*](1. ‘ as with a trumpet,' B.)[*](2. ‘They seek me,' ℵBQ: ‘practised righteousness.' ℵBQ c)[*](4 init. 'If ye fast.' B.)

6 Not such a fast as this do I choose, saith the Lord; but loose every bond of iniquity, unloose the knots of oppressive compacts, send forth the broken in forgiveness and tear asunder every unjust writing:

7 Break thy bread for one that is hungry, and bring the homeless poor into thine house; if thou see one naked, clothe him, and of the kinsmen of thy seed thou shalt not despise any.

8 Then shall thy light break forth early in the morning, and thy healing shall arise speedily; and thy righteousness shall go before thee, and the glory of God shall wrap thee round.

9 Then shalt thou cry, and God shall hearken to thee; while thou art yet speaking, he shall say, Behold, here I am. If thou take away from thee bonds, and stretching forth of hands, and the word of murmuring,

10 And give to a hungry man thy bread from thy soul, and satisfy the soul that hath been humbled, then shall thy light arise in the darkness, and thy darkness (shall be) as noonday,

11 And thy God shall be <with thee> continually; and thou shalt be satisfied according as thy soul desireth, and thy bones shall be enriched, and shall be as a well-watered garden, and as a spring whose water faileth not; and thy bones shall grow up as grass, and shall be enriched, and they shall inherit for generations of generations.

12 And thy desolate places of old shall be rebuilt, and thy foundations shall be everlasting, for generations of generations; and thou shalt be called, A builder of fences, and thou shalt make thy paths in the midst to rest.

[*](8. For ‘healing,’ ℵ cb QI corrr 106 corr 147 have ‘clothing’ ἱμάτια, for This evident corruption is found in Old Latin: Cyp., Test. 111. 1, c., Tertullian d: Remrr. Carn. xxvu. (vestimenta), also in Barnabas (Gr. Lat.) ch. 3, Justin M. Tryph. (Lucifer, lrenaeus (lat.), Speculum, c. have sanittes.) See ad loc., Burkitt, Tyconius, lxiv.)[*](9. ‘bonds,’ Gk word is)[*](10. ‘the bread.' ℵBO c. (Text A 26 49 106)[*](11. Omit ‘with thee,' A. ‘and thy bones shall grow... generations.' So ℵ ca AQ and about 18 cursives, incl. 26 49 198. Omit ℵ* B 106 301 c Probably a doublet of preceding words: but cf. lxvi. 14.)[*](12. Possibly, ‘thy desolate places shall be built for ever:' fin. or, ‘and (they shall call) thy paths in the midst resting-places.)

13 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbaths, not to do thine own desires on the holy day, and thou shalt call the sabbaths full of pleasure, holy to thy God, thou shalt not lift thy foot for work, nor speak a word in anger out of thy mouth,

14 Then thou shalt have thy trust in the Lord, and he shall set thee up upon the good things of the earth, and shall feed thee upon the inheritance of Jacob thy father; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken this.

LIX. 1 Is not the Lord's hand mighty to save? or hath he made his ear heavy, that it hear not?

2 But your sins separate between you <and your God,;> because of your sins hath he turned his face away from you, not to have mercy upon you.

3 For your hands are defiled-with blood, and your fingers in sins; and your lips have spoken transgression, and your tongue doth meditate wrong-doing.

4 No man speaketh righteousness, nor is there any true judgment; they trust in vanities and speak empty words; for they have conceived trouble, and bring forth transgression.

5 They brake the eggs of asps, and weave the web of a spider; and he that trieth to eat of their eggs, when he breaketh it he findeth wind, and in it is a basilisk.

6 Their web shall not be for a garment; nor shall they be clothed with their works; for their works are works of transgression.

7 And their feet run after wickedness, swift to shed blood, and their reasonings (are) the reasonings of fools; destruction and unhappiness is in their ways,

[*](13. Or, 'then thou shalt call' (καὶ marking apodusis): in which case must replace ‘then’ at beginning of 14. ‘holy to God’ (om. ‘thy’) ℵ*Β)[*](2. A's reading for ‘separate’ differs by a letter: it is unsupported and hardly intelligible: Α also omits the words ‘and your God,...')[*](7. ‘their reasonings are from murders,' B*: ‘(are) reasonings from murders. Β ab mg C)

8 And a way of peace they know not, and there is no judgment in their ways; for the paths which they travel are perverted, and they know not peace.

9 Therefore did their judgment depart from them, and righte- ousness shall not take hold of them ; when (they) waited for light, darkness came upon them; they waited for a shining, and walked in midnight gloom.

10 They shall grope like blind men for a wall, and as though they had no eyes shall they grope; and they shall fall at noonday as though at midnight, they shall groan as dying men:

11 As a bear and as a dove together shall they go: we waited for judgment, and there is none; salvation is far removed from us.

12 For manifold is our transgression before thee, and our sins stand forth against us; for our transgressions are in us, and our wrong doings we have learnt.

13 We were profane, and lied, and departed away from behind our God; we talked unrighteously and were disobedient, we conceived and rehearsed unrighteous words from our heart,

14 And removed (our) judgment behind us, and righteousness standeth far off from us; for truth is consumed in their streets, and they could not go through by straight ways.

15 And truth is removed, and they changed their thought from understanding; and the Lord saw it, and it pleased him not, that there was no judgment.

16 And he saw, and there was no man, and he perceived, and there was none that would take hold; and he defended them with his arm, and with his mercy he supported them.

17 And he put on righteousness as a breast-plate, and put on an helmet of salvation upon his head, and clothed himself in a cloke of vengeance, and his clothing

[*](9. (they) not expressed in ’B.)[*](10. Omit ‘and’ after ‘grope.’)[*](13. Omit ‘from’ after ‘away,’ B [this ‘from’ resembles style of)[*](14. Omit ‘from us,' ℵBQ)

18 As ready to requite, a requital of shame unto his adversaries

19 And they from the setting (of the sun) shall fear the name of the Lord, and they from the rising of the sun his glorious name; for the anger of the Lord shall come like a rushing river, it shall come with wrath.

20 And the deliverer shall come for Zion's sake, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.

21 And this is the covenant to them from me, saith the Lord; my spirit which is upon thee, and the words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not fail out of thy mouth, and out of the mouth of thy seed: the Lord hath spoken it, henceforth and for ever.

LX. 1 Shine, shine, Jerusalem; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

2 Behold, darkness and gloom covereth the earth upon (the) nations; upon thee shall the Lord appear, and his glory shall be seen upon thee:

3 And kings shall walk by thy light, and nations by thy brightness.

4 Lift up thine eyes round about, and see thy children i gathered together; behold, all thy sons are come from far, and thy daughters shall be borne upon the shoulders.

5 Then thou shalt see, and fear, and be amazed in heart, because there shall come over unto thee the wealth of the sea, and of nations and peoples. And there shall come unto thee

[*](21. ‘for the Lord hath spoken it,' ℵBQ)[*](1. ‘Shine’: or, ‘be enlightened.’)[*](2. ‘shall cover,' ℵBQ: ‘darkness shall cover the earth, and gloom (shall be) upon (the) nations,’ BQ. ‘but upon thee,' ℵBQ)[*](4. Omit 'behold,' ℵB)

6 Herds of camels, and the camels of Midian and Ephah shall cover thee; all (they) from Sheba shall come, bringing gold, and they shall bring frankincense and precious stone, and shall bring glad tidings of the salvation of the Lord.

7 And all the sheep of Kedar shall be gathered together, and the rams of Nebaioth shall come for thee, and acceptable (offerings) shall be brought unto mine altar, and my house of prayer shall be glorifed

8 Who are these that fly like clouds, and like doves with their nestlings?

9 For me did the isles wait, and the ships of Tarshish first of all, to bring thy children from far, and their silver and their gold with them, because of the name of the Lord, which is holy, and because the Holy One of Israel is glorious.

10 And strangers shall build thy walls, and their kings shall stand beside thee: for because of my wrath I smote thee, and because of my mercy I loved thee.

11 And thy gates shall be opened continually, by day and by night they shall not be shut, to bring unto thee the power of nations, and kings led along.

12 For the nations and their kings, whosoever will not serve thee shall die, and the nations shall be utterly desolated.

13 And the glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, with the cypress and pine and cedar together, to glorify my holy place.

14 And there shall come unto thee in fear the sons of them that humbled thee and provoked thee; and thou shalt be called, City of the Lord, Zion of the Holy One of Israel,

[*](6. Omit ‘and precious stone,' BQ.)[*](7. Omit ‘for thee,' B.)[*](8 fin. Add ‘to me.' ℵ ca?B.)[*](9. ‘first of all,' lit. ‘among the first,’ see Lid. and Scott, Lex. ‘and the name,' Q.)[*](11. ‘and their kings,' B.)[*](12. ‘die’: 'perish,' NBQ. ‘be utterly desolated’: verb with noun, to renderIIeb. repetition of verb.)[*](13. ‘ with,' lit. ‘in’ (i.e. consisting in ?))

15 Because thou hast been forsaken, and hated, and there was none that came to help; and I will set thee for an everlasting triumph, a joy for generations of generations.

16 And thou shalt suck the milk of nations, and shalt eat the wealth of kings; and shalt learn that I the Lord am thy Saviour, and the God of Israel that delivereth thee.

17 And instead of brass I will bring for thee gold, and instead of iron I will bring thee silver, and instead of wood I will bring thee brass, and instead of stones iron; and I will set thy rulers in peace, and thine overseers in righteousness.

18 And no longer shall wrong doing be heard in thy land, nor destruction, nor unhappiness in thy borders; but thy walls shall be called Salvation, and thy gates carved work.

19 And the sun shall not be thy light by day, nor shall the rising of the moon enlighten thy night; but the Lord shall be to thee an everlasting light, and God thy glory.

20. For thy sun shall not go down, and the moon shall not fail thee; for the Lord shall be to thee an everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be fulfilled

21 And thy people (shall be) all of it righteous, and they shall possess the earth for ever; guarding the plant, the work of his hands, for glory.

22 The smallest shall be for thousands, and the least one a great nation: I the Lord will gather them together in due season.

LXI. 1 The spirit of the Lord is upon me; wherefore he hath anointed me to preach glad tidings to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and recovery of sight to the blind:

[*](15. Or, ‘and’ may be taken to mark principal clause: almost: ='therefore. In this case there should be a full-stop at end of ver. 14, and ver. 15 is complete in itself, otherwise 15a is a quasi-parenthesis, or else qualifies 14b.)[*](17 init. Omit 'and,' B*. Lit. ‘give thy rulers...)[*](18. ‘carved work': perhaps γλύμμα is a corruption of ἀγαλλίαμα. ‘triumph’; cf. lxi. 11.)[*](19. ‘sun shall not any more be,' B.)[*](20. So Α, 26: or, ‘the sun shall not go down upon thee,' ethic dat., B c.)[*](21. Omit ‘and’ before ‘they,’ B. Or, ‘possess the land....)

2 To call it an acceptable year of the Lord, and a day of requital; to comfort all them that mourn;

3 That there be given to the mourners of Zion glory instead of ashes, the anointing of joy to the mourners, a robe of glory instead of a spirit of despair; and they shall be called generations of righteousness, a plant of the Lord for glory.

4 And they shall build everlasting desolations, they shall set up what were before utterly desolate, and they shall renew desolate cities, that had been desolate for generations.

5 And strangers shall come, feeding thy sheep, and aliens for plowmen and vinedressers.

6 But ye shall be called priests of the Lord, and ministers of God; ye shall eat up the might of nations, and in their wealth shall ye be marvelled at.

7 So shall they inherit the earth a second time, and everlasting joy (shall be) upon their head.

8 For I am the Lord, that love righteousness, and hate robberies (proceeding) from injustice: and I will give to the righteous their toil, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.

9 And their seed shall become known among the nations, and their offspring; every one that seeth them shall observe them, that these are a seed blessed by God.

10 And with joy shall they rejoice unto the Lord. Let my soul triumph because of the Lord; for he hath clothed me with a cloke of salvation and a robe of joy, he hath put a garland on (my head) as on a bridegroom, and hath adorned me with ornaments as a bride.

[*](3. After 'Zion,' ℵ* B insert ‘to them.)[*](6. Omit ‘and’ before 'ministers,' ℵBO)[*](7. Or, 'inherit the land.)[*](9. ‘their offspring in the midst of the peoples,’ BQ)[*](10. ‘garland’: or 'mitre,' 'diadem.)

11 And like earth making her blossom to grow, and like a garden its seeds; so will the Lord make righteousness and triumph to rise up before all the nations.

LXII. I Because of Zion I will not be silent, and because of Jerusalem I will not cease, until my righteousness go forth as light, and my salvation shall burn as a torch.

2 And nations shall see thy righteousness, and kings thy glory; and he shall call thee by thy new name, which the Lord shall name.

3 And thou shalt be a crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, and a diadem of royalty in the hand of thy God.

4 And thou shalt no longer be called Forsaken, and thy land shall not be any more called Desolate; for thy name shall be called My delight, and thy land, Dwelling.

5 And as a young man joineth house with a virgin, so shall thy sons found houses with thee; and it shall be, as a bridegroom shall rejoice over a bride, so shall the Lord rejoice over thee.

6 And upon thy walls, Jerusalem, have I set watchmen, all the day and all the night, who shall not be silent for ever, making mention of the Lord.

7 For ye have none (other) like; if he. establish, and make Jerusalem an exultation upon the earth.

8 The Lord hath sworn by his glory and by the might of I his arm, I will not any more give thy corn and thy meats to thine enemies; and no longer shall stranger children drink thy wine, for which thou didst labour.

[*](11. 'the Lord’ repeated in B.)[*](1. 'her righteousness,’ BQ mg (Aq., Th., Symm.).)[*](2. ‘a new name,' B.)[*](4. Add ‘for the Lord hath taken pleasure in thee, and thy land shall be dwelt in,’ B and most cursives, Q mg (Theod., Symm.). [Omitted by ℵAQ* 26 41 109 (198 partly) 239 305 306.])[*](5. Omit ‘with thee,' BQ.)

9 But they that gather them together shall eat them, and praise the Lord; and they that gather them together shall drink them in thy holy courts.

10 Go ye through my gates, and make a way for my people; and cast away the stones out of the way, lift up a signal to the nations

11 For behold, the Lord maketh it to be heard unto the end of the earth; Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy Saviour cometh to thee, having his own reward, and (his) work before his face.

12 And he shall call it an holy people, ransomed by the Lord while thou shalt be called, A city sought after, and, Not forsaken.

LXIII. 1 Who is this that approacheth from Edom, a red- ness of garments from Bozrah? so beauteous in his apparel, in violence with might? I discourse righteousness, and judgment of salvation

2 Wherefore are thy garments red, and thy raiment as from a trodden winepress?

3 (I am) full with the trodden (press); and of the nations there is no man with me; and I trode them down in wrath, and ground them, down as the earth, and brought down their blood to the earth.

4 For a day of recompense is come upon them, and a year of ransom is here.

[*](9. Rather, ‘they that (have) gathered’ (twice), B: ‘my holy courts. ℵBQ, c.)[*](11. (his) before ‘work,’ not expressed in AQ*)[*](2. ‘from treading of a winepress,’ Q: and see next note.)[*](3. Or (taking πλήρης as genitive, see Hort, Introd. to N.T. on Mk iv. 28 App. p. 24): ‘from...winepress, (3) full (and) trodden?’ Tert. adv. Marc. iv. 60 ‘sicut de foro torcularis pleno conculcato’; Cypr. Epirt. lxiii. 7: ‘velut a. calcatione torcularis pleni et ’ But Nobilius, ‘id est, oppletus sum. doubtfully. ℵ reads πλήρους with 23 41 91 97 239 306 (26) Q mg. [Luc. MSS. insert Ι trade the pres alone; so Symm.] ‘in my wrath,’ B: omit ‘to the earth’ at the end of verse, B*. [Luc. MSS. again have insertion, partly at least from Theod., Symm.])

5 And I looked on them, and (there was) no helper; and I perceived, and no one took hold, and my arm rescued them, and my wrath pressed on.

6 And I trampled them down with my anger, and brought down their blood to the earth.

7 I called to mind the mercy of the Lord, the excellences of the Lord in all things which the Lord recompenseth to us. The Lord is an upright judge to the house of Israel, he bringeth it upon us according to his mercy and according to the abundance of his righteousness.

8 And he said, Are they not my people? children, and they will not set at nought; and he was their salvation

9 Out of all affliction. It was no messengers, nor angel, but the Lord himself that saved them, because he loved them, and spared them; he it was that ransomed them, and took them up, and uplifted them all the days of old.

10 But they disobeyed, and provoked the holy Spirit; and he was turned to enmity against them, himself fought against them.

11 And he remembered the days of old: he that brought up from the land the shepherd of the sheep. Where is he that put his holy Spirit within them?

12 He that led Moses with his right hand? the arm of his ’ glory? he overcame the water before his face, to make himself an everlasting name.

13 And he led them through the deep, like a horse through the wilderness, and they wearied not,

[*](7. ‘which he recompenseth,' ℵB)[*](8. Omit ‘and’ after 'children,' ℵBQ)[*](9. ‘all their afflicliion,' ℵB: ‘messenger,’ ℵBQ: ‘but himself that saved.' BQ.)[*](10. ‘his holy Spirit,’ ℵBQ. ‘and himself fought,')[*](11. ‘where is he that brought up from the sea... ?' B*)[*](13 init. Omit ‘and’ (also 14 before ‘a spirit’) ℵBQ)

14 And as beasts through a plain; and a spirit dame down from the Lord, and guided them; so didst thou lead thy people, to make thyself a name of glory.

15 Turn thou from heaven, and see from thy holy house, and (thy) glory: where is thy jealousy and thy might? where is the abundance of thy mercy and thy pitifulness, that thou didst bear with us?

16 Thou art our father; for Abraham knew us not, and Israel recognized us not ; but thou, Lord, art our father; deliver us, thy name is among us from the beginning.

17 Why didst thou make us to wander, Lord, from thy way? didst harden our hearts, that we should not fear thee? turn unto us, for the sake of thy bondmen, for the sake of the tribes of thine inheritance,

18 That we may inherit a little of thy holy mountain: our adversaries trode down thy sanctuary.

19 We are become as at the beginning, when thou didst not rule over us, neither was thy name called upon us.

LXIV. r If thou openest the heaven, trembling shall seize the mountains before thee, and they shall melt,

2 As wax melteth from before the fire; and fire shall burn up thine enemies, and the name of the Lord shall be manifest among thine enemies; from before thy face shall nations be confounded,

3 When thou doest thy glorious deeds; trembling shall seize the mountains before thee.

4 From everlasting have we not heard, nor have our eyes seen any God except thee> and thy works which thou wilt do them that wait for mercy.

[*](15. ‘thy’ not expressed before ‘glory’ in ℵAQ. Perhaps, ‘the house of thy holiness and gloryy.)[*](16 init. ‘For thou art,’ ℵB: ‘thy name is upon us,' ℵBQ)[*](18. Omit ‘our adversries....sanctuary,' ℵB.)[*](2. ‘before,’ lit. ‘the face of,' not expressed in RBQ: ‘thy name shall be.' B.)[*](4. ‘any God except thee,' omitted by A*)

5 For he will meet them that do righteousness, and they shall remember thy ways. Behold, thou wast wroth, and We sinned: therefore we strayed,

6 And we all became as unclean, all our righteousness as filthy rags; and we fell away like leaves because of our transgressions; so shall a wind bear us away.

7 And there is none that calleth on thy name, or remembereth to lay hold upon thee; for thou didst turn thy face away from us, and didst deliver us over because of our transgressions.

8 And now, Lord, thou art our father; and we are clay, all (are) the works of thy hands.

9 Be not wroth with us exceedingly, and remember not all our sins betimes; and now look upon us, for we are all thy people.

10 Thy city of the Holy One, Zion, is become desert; Jerusalem is become as a desert: turned to a curse II Is the house, our holy place: and the glory which our I fathers blessed is burnt with fire, and all (our) glorious things are fallen together.

12 And for all this thou didst refrain, O Lord, and heldest thy peace, and didst humble us exceedingly.

LXV. 1 I became manifest to them that sought me not; I was found of them that inquired not of me; I said, Behold (here) am I, to the nation which called not my name.

2 I spread forth my hands all the day, to a disobedient and gainsaying people; to them which walked not by a way which - was true, but after their own sins.

[*](5 init. Omit 'For,' B.)[*](8. ‘all we (are) the works,' B.)[*](11 fin. 'our' definitely expressed in NB; B omits ‘together.’)[*](12. Or, ‘above (in addition to) all this.)[*](1. Β transposes ‘sought me not...' ‘inquired not of me.' O.L. [Cyp. Test. i. 21] has quaerunt...interrogabant.)[*](2. ‘walk by a way which is not good’ (fair), B.)

3 This people is that which provoketh me continually to my face; it is they that sacrifice in the gardens, and burn incense upon the bricks to the demons that shall not be:

4 And they lie down in the monuments and in the caves for the sake of dreams; they that eat swine's flesh and broth of sacrifies; all their vessels are filed.

5 That say, Hence away from me, draw not near to me, for I am clean: these are a smoke of my wrath, a fire burneththerein every day.

6 Behold, it is written before me, I will not be silent, until I render into their bosom

7 Their iniquities, and (the iniquities) of their fathers, saith the Lord; who burned incense upon the mountains, and reproached me upon the hills; I will render their works into their own bosom.

8 Thus saith the Lord: Like as the grape shall be found amid the cluster, and they shall say, Hurt it not: for a blessing of the Lord is in it: so will I do for the sake of him that serveth me, for his sake will I not destroy (them) all.

9 And I will bring forth the seed that cometh from Jacob, and from Judah, and it shall inherit my holy mountain, and my chosen shall inherit it, and my bondmen shall dwell there.

10 And there shall be in the forest folds of flocks, and the valley of Achor shall be for a resting place for herds, for my ’ peOple who sought me.

11 But ye are they that forsook me, and that forget my holy mountain; and prepare a table for the demon, and fill a mingled drink to Fortune.

[*](3. A reads ‘burn incense’ for ‘sacrifce': ‘demons that are not,' ℵBQ)[*](4 init. Omit 'and,' B.)[*](6. ‘until I render, and I will render,' ℵQ (Aq., Symm.).)[*](7. 'render' is subj. (against grammar) in B*)[*](8. Omit ‘of the ℵ* BQ)[*](9. ‘and my chosen and my bondmen shall inherit it, and they shall dwell there,' ℵBQ)

12 I will deliver you up to a sword, ye shall all fall by slaughter: for I called you, and ye hearkened not; I spake, and ye heard amiss; and did that which was evil before me, and chose that which I desired not.

13 Therefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, they that serve me shall eat, but ye shall be hungry; behold,. they that serve me shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty; behold, they that serve me shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed.

14 Behold, they that serve me shall exult in joyfulness, but ye shall cry out for weariness of your heart, and shall wail because of the breaking of spirit.

15 For ye shall leave your name for a loathing for my chosen, but you shall the Lord destroy. But they that serve him shall be called by a new name,

16 Which shall be blessed upon the earth; for they shall bless the true God, and they that swear upon the earth shall swear by the true God. For they shall forget the first affliction, and it shall not come up into their heart.

17 For the heaven shall be new, and the earth new, and they shall not remember the former things, nor shall they come into their heart.

18 But they shall find joy and exultation in her; behold, I make Jerusalem an exultation, and my people a joy.

19 And I will exult in Jerusalem and rejoice in my people: and no longer Shall there be heard in her the voice of weeping and the voice of crying,

20 Nor shall there be there one untimely, nor an old man who shall not fulfil his time: for the young shall be a hundred years old, but he that dieth a sinner shall be a hundred years old, and is accursed.

21 And they shall build houses, and themselves shall inhabit them; and shall plant vineyards, and themselves shall eat the fruits of them

[*](14. ‘of heart...of your spirit,' B.)[*](15. ‘that serve me,' RB.)[*](18. for' ’behold,’ BQ.)[*](20. ‘be there any more one untimely,' B. ‘shall be accursed,' ℵBO.)

22 And they shall. not build, and others inhabit; and they shall not plant, and others eat. For according to the days of the tree of life are the days of my people; the works of their labours shall they make to grow old.

23 And my chosen ones shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth children for a curse; for it is a seed blessed by God, and their offspring shall be with them.

24 And it shall be, before they cry out, I will hearken to them; while they are yet speaking, I will say, What is it?

25 Then shall wolves and lambs feed together, and a lion shall eat chaff as an ox, and a serpent shall eat the earth as bread: they shall not do wrong nor hurt upon my holy mountain, saith the Lord.

LXVI. 1 Thus saith-the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth the footstool of my feet; what kind of house will ’ye build for me? or of what kind is the place of my rest ?

2 For all these things hath my hand made; and all these things are mine, saith the Lord; and unto whom shall I look, save to him that is humble, and quiet, and trembleth at my words?

3 But the transgressor, who sacrificeth to me a bullock, is as one that slayeth a dog, and he that offereth fine flour as though it were swine's blood; he that giveth frankincense for a memorial, as a blasphemer; and they chose their own ways, and their abominations, which their soul desired.

4 And I will choose their mockeries, and requite unto them their sins: for I called them, and they hearkened not unto me; I spake, and they heard not: and they did that which was wicked before me, and chose out things which I willed not.

[*](22 init. Omit 'And.’ ℵB: ‘for the works.' B.)[*](23 init. Omit 'And.’ B.)[*](23 fin. Omit ‘shall be' B.)[*](1. ‘and of what kind,' BQ. A* apparently omits 'house.)[*](3. Or, ‘as though he slew,' ℵ* B.)[*](3 fin. ‘and their soul desired their abominations,' B.)[*](4. 'choose’: 'receive.’ B.)

5 Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word; speak, our brethren, to them that hate us and hold (us) in abomination, that the name of the Lord may be glorified, and may be seen in their joy; and they shall be ashamed.

6 A voice of crying from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord requiting a requital to them that resist him.

7 Before the travailing woman brought forth, before the pain of her pangs came, she escaped, and bare a man-child.

8 Who (hath) heard such a thing, and who hath seen it so? did the earth travail in one day, was a nation ever born at once? for Zion travailed, and she brought forth her children.

9 But it was I that gave thee this expectation, and thou remerriberedst me not, saith the Lord: behold, is it not I that make the fruitful and the barren? saith thy God.

10 Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and keep solemn assembly, all ye that dwell in her; rejoice with joy, all ye that mourn over her.

11 That ye may suck, and be filled from the breast of her consolation; that ye may suck out, and take delight from the entering in of her glory.

12 For thus saith the Lord: Behold, I do incline toward them like a river of peace, and like a torrent overflowing the glory of nations: their children shall be borne upon the shoulders, and on the knees shall they be comforted,

13 As whomsoever a mother shall comfort; for so will I also comfort you, and in Jerusalem shall ye be comforted.

14 And your heart shall see and rejoice, and your bones shall grow up as herbage: and the hand of the Lord shall be made known to them that worship him, and he shall threaten the disobedient.

[*](5. ‘words of the Lord,' B: ‘hate you and hold (you),' c.,)[*](6. ‘Α voice, a crying,' A*)[*](8. ‘or was a nation born.' B.)[*](10. ‘solemn assembly in her,’ ℵBQ. ‘all ye that love her,' BQ: ‘rejoice together with her with joy,' B.)[*](13. Omit ‘for,’ RBQ (punctuation then as Heb.).)[*](14. ‘And ye shall see, and your heart shall rejoice,' ℵB: ‘them that fear him.' B.)

15 For behold, the Lord shall come as a fire, and his chariots as a whirlwind, to render vengeance in wrath, and utter rejection in a flame of fire.

16 For by the fire of the Lord shall all the earth be judged, and all flesh by his sword: many shall be wounded by the Lord.

17 They that hallow and purify themselves for the gardens, and eat swine's flesh, and their abominations, and the mouse, in the forecourts, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.

18 And I (know) their works, and their reasoning; I am coming to gather together all the nations and the tongues, and they shall come, and shall see my glory.

19 And I will leave signs upon them, and I will send forth from them those that are saved to the nations, to Tarshish, and Phut, and Lud, and Meshech, and Tubal, and to Greece, and to the isles afar off; men who have not heard my name, I neither have seen my glory: and they shall declare my glory among the nations.

20 And they shall bring your brethren out of all the nations for a gift to the LORD, with horses and chariots, in mule-chariots with awnings, into the holy city Jerusalem, saith the Lord, that the children of Israel may bring their sacrifices to me with psalms, into the house of the Lord.

21 And from them will I take me priests and Levites, saith the Lord.

22 For like as the heaven (is) new, and the earth (is) new, ’which I make remaineth before me, saith the Lord: so shall your seed and your name stand.

[*](15. ‘his vengeance, and his,’ c. Β. (Q supports former pronoun.))[*](16. Α reads ‘shall all the earth be consumed’ (cf. ver. 17))[*](18. ℵ supplies verb ‘know’ (or ‘understand’).)[*](19. ‘a sign,’)[*](21. Rather, ‘will I take for myself,’ A: omit ῾me,᾿ BQ.)

23 And it shall be, for month after month, and sabbath after sabbath, all flesh shall come before me to worship at Jerusalem, saith the Lord.

24 And they shall go forth, and shall see the limbs of the men ’that have transgressed against me: for their worm doth not cease, and their fire shall not be quenched: and they shall be for a spectacle to all flesh.

[*](23. ‘to worship before me at Jerusalem,’ B.)[*](23 fin. A* omits ‘the Lord.)