

Septuaginta. The Book of Isaiah According to the Septuagint (Codex Alexandrinus). Ottley, Richard, Rusden, editor. Cambridge: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1904.

XX. 1 In the year when Tartan came to Azotus, when he was sent by Sargon king of the Assyrians, and warred against Azotus and. took it,

2 Then spake the LORD to Isaiah, saying, Go, and take off the sackcloth from thy loins, and loose thy shoes from thy feet, and so do, walking naked and barefoot.

[*](19. i.e. ‘shall the Lord have his alter’ (prob.), ‘an altar.’)[*](20. ‘he shall ’ (subj. not expressed). B. Or, ‘in judging shall he save)[*](22. Omit ‘ great,’ 8.)[*](23. ‘the way of Eg. shall be to the Assyrians.’ B.)[*](24. ‘among the Egyptians and among the ’ BQ.)[*](1. Gr. has Tanathan, or Nathan, for Tartan, Arna for Sargon: Azotus (Acts viii. 40)= Ashdod.)[*](2. ‘Isaiah the son of ’ B.)

3 And the, Lord said, Like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot, three years there shall be signs and wonders to the Egyptians and Ethiopians.

4 For thus shall the king of the Assyrians lead away the captivity of Egypt and of the Ethiopians, young men and old men, naked and barefoot, uncovered, the shame of Egypt.

5 And the Egyptians shall be ashamed and discomfited concerning the Ethiopians, upon whom the Egyptians had trusted, who were their glory.

6 And they that dwell in this isle shall say, Behold, we had trusted to flee unto them for help, who could not be saved from the king of the Assyrians; and how shall we be saved?