(Ζευξιάδης), artists.
1. A statuary of the school of Lysippus. [SILANION, p. 818b.] An interesting confirmation of the truth of the reading of Pliny, adopted in the article referred to, is farnished by an extant inscription on the base of a statue of the orator Hyperides, which was published by Spon, (Miscell. p. 137) in the form ΤΕΥΣΙΑΛΗΣ ΕΠΟΙΕΙ (whence Sillig makes an artist Teusiules, Cutal. Artif. s. v.); but the true reading, ΖΕΥΞΙΑΔΗΣ, has been established by Visconti (Icon. Grecq. vol. i. p. 272), and adopted by Welcker (Kunstblatt, 1827, No. 82, pp. 326-- 327) and Raoul-Rochette (Lettre à M. Schorn, p. 413, 2nd ed.). The date of Hyperides (B. C. 396-322) agrees with that which must be assigned to Zeuxiades on the testimony of Pliny. [See SILANION.]