2. A native of Cyprus in the fourth century after Christ, the tutor of Ionicus, Magnus, and Oribasius. (Eunap. Vit. Philos.) He taught and practised his profession at Alexandria, whence he was expelled by the Bishop George of Cappadocia [GEORGIUS, p. 248], who persecuted both the heathen and the orthodox Christians with equal bitterness. He was however restored to his country and office by command of the emperor Julian, probably A. D. 361 or 362; and a letter front the emperor to Zenon is still extant, in which he speaks very highly not only of his medical skill but also of his general character. (Jul. Epist.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890