4. An Achaean, a native of Patrae. He is mentioned by Polybius as one of those who counselled the maintenance of neutrality between the Romans and Perseus (28.6). After the conclusion of the war with Perseus, when the Roman commissioners, Claudius and Domitius, in a meeting of the Achaean assembly denounced as partisans of Perseus all who had been generals of the Achaeans during the war, Xenon, who had filled that office, rose to repel the charge, and offered to stand his trial before either an Achaean or a Roman tribunal. He was doubtless one of the Achaeans who, upon this, were sent to Rome, professedly to take their trial, but who were detained in various Italian cities for several years. (Paus. 7.10.9, &c)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890