the son of the emperor Trebonianus Gallus, upon whose elevation in A. D. 251 he was styled Caesar and Princeps Juvsentutis. The year following he held the office of consul, and was invested with the title of Augustus. As far as we can gather from the scanty notices of historians, his character resembled that of his father, along with whom he perished at Interamna in A. D. 253 or 254. [GALLUS TREBONIANUS.] The names borne by this prince, as collected from medals and descriptions, appear to have been C. VIBIUS VOLUSIANUS TREBONIANUS ASINIUS GALLUS VELDUMNIANUS or VENDUMNIANUS (Aurel. Vict. de Caes. 30, Epit. 30 ; Eutrop. 9.5; Zosim. 1.24; Zonar. 12.21 ; Eckhel, vol. vii. p. 369.)
[W.R]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890