12. QuintiliusVarus, of Cremona, a friend of Horace and Virgil, died in B. C. 24. (Hieronym. in Enseb. Chron. 189. 1.) We learn from the ancient Scholiasts on Horace that this Quintilius is the same as the Quintilius, who is mentioned as an eminent critic in the De Arte Poütica (438) and whose death Horace laments in one of his odes (1.24). He is perhaps the same as the Varus, to whom Horace addresses the eighteenth ode of the first book, and also as the Varus mentioned in the fifth Epode. (Weichert, De L. Varii et Cassii Parmensis Vita, p. 121, foil.; Estré, Horatiana Prosopographia, p. 202, foll.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890