Vopiscus, in his life of Aurelian (100.38), asserts that Zenobia assumed the purple as regent for her son Balbatus (al. leg. Babalatus), and not in the name of Herennianus and Timolaus, which is the statement of Trebellius Pollio (Trig. Tyrann. xxix.). It is certain that we find no trace of either Herennianus or Timolaus on medals, while a few are extant, both Greek and Roman, which exhibit IMP. C. VABALATHUS AUG. or ΑΥΤ.ΟΥΑΒΑΛΛΑΘΟΞ.ΞΕΒ. with the effigy and titles of Aurelian on the reverse. But several of these bear words or characters, in addition to those given above, which have proved a source of much embarrassment. Thus, on one we find VABALATHUS. VCRIMDR., abbreviations to which no archaeologist has been able to supply a satisfactory interpretation; on others,
in which
ΑΘΗΝΟΥ, &c., is supposed to stand for Ἀθηνοδώρου υἱός, while Sroias or Srias may be a sort of praenomen. Finally, there is a rate coin displaying on the obverse two laurelled heads, one of a bearded man, the other of a smooth-faced boy, with the legend ΑΥΡΗΛΙΑΝΟΞ.ΑΘΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΞ. It would be tedious and unprofitable to enumerate the various theories proposed to solve the problems suggested by these pieces. The only conclusion we can safely form is, that Sroias, Vabalathus, and Athenodorus were princes of Palmyra, connected with Odenathus and Zenobia, but in what relation they stood to them and to each other, has never been determined. [W.R]