the daughter of Galeria Valeria Eutropia [EUTROPIA] by her first husband, whose name and station are alike unknown. After the second marriage of Eutropia with Maximianus Herculius, Constantius Chlorus having been elevated (A. D. 292) to the rank of Caesar was required to repudiate his wife Helena [HELENA] and to wed the stepdaughter of his Augustus. By Constantius Theodora had six children, three daughters and three sons. The daughters were, 1. Flavia Valeria Constantia, united to the emperor Licinius. 2. Anastasia, wife of Bassianus [BASSIANUS]. 3. Eutropia, mother of Nepotianus who assumed the purple in A. D. 350 [NEPOTIANUS]; with regard to the names of the sons, see the article HANNIBALLIANUS. (Aurel. Vict. de Caes. 39, Epit. 39 ; Eutrop. 10.14 ; Tillemont, Histoire des Empereurs, vol. iv. Dioclet. Art. iii.)
[W.R]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890