2. A son of the former, who followed his father's profession as a rhetorician, and, according to Suidas (s. v.), wrote an Encomium on Alexander the Epeirot, historical memoirs (ἱστορικὰ ὑπομνήματα), a work on the customs of barbarian nations (νόμιμα βαρβαρικά), a treatise on rhetoric in seven books (τέχνη ῥητορική), and many other works. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. pp. 323, 324, vol. vi. p. 138 ; Welcker, die Griech. Tragöd. pp. 1069, foil. ; Kayser, Hist. Crit. Trag. Graec. p. 108, foll. ; Wagner, Fragm. Trag. Graec. pp. 113, foll., in Didot's Bibliotheca.)
[P.S]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890