a maker of painted vases, an interesting work by whom has been found in a tomb at Agrigentum, representing the destruction of the Minotaur, in the stiff archaic style. It is now in the collection of Mr. Hope, and is one of the vases engraved by Moses. (Lanzi, dei Vasi antichi dipinti, pl. iii. pl. 147; Millin, Peint. de Vas. vol. ii. pl. lxi.) Another specimen of his workmanship has been more recently discovered at Vulci. namely. a small cup, bearing the inscription
ΤΑΔΕΙΔΕΣ ΕΠΟΙΕΣΕΝ, and now in the Museum at Berlin. (Levezow, Verzeichniss, No. 685, p. 136; Gerhard, Berlin's ant. Bildwerke. No. 685, p. 223.) It is remarkable that vases by the same maker should be found in Sicily and in Etruria; and also that the two specimens are in quite different styles of workmanship. The first of these facts is taken by R. Rochette as an indication of the early commercial intercourse between Sicily and Etroria, by which the former country obtained the manufactures of the latter. Müller supposes Taleides to have been of the Attic school of art, because the subject of the work found at Agrigentum is exactly repeated on an Attic vase. (R. Rochette, Lettre à M. Schorn, pp. 17, 60, 2d ed.; Müller, Archäol. d, Kunst, § 99, n. 3, No. 2.) [P.S]