2. The wife of D. Junius Brutus, consul B. C. 77, was a woman of great personal attractions and literary accomplishments, but of a profligate character. She took part in Catiline's conspiracy, though her husband was not privy to it (Sall. Cat. 25, 40). Asconius speaks of a Sempronia, the daughter of Tuditanus, and the mother of P. Clodius, who gave her testimony at the trial of Milo, in B. C. 52 (Ascon. in Milon. p. 41, ed. Orelli). Orelli supposes that she may be the same as the wife of Brutus mentioned above.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890