is said by Lampridius (Alex. Severus, 100.68) to have been a pupil of Papinianus, and a consiliarius of Alexander Severus. There is a rescript of Alexander to Venuleius (Cod. 7. tit. 1. s. 1), and one of Antoninus (Caracalla) addressed to Saturninus in the year A. D. 213 (Cod. 5. tit. 65. s. 1); both of which may have been addressed to Venuleius Saturninus. His writings, as they are stated in the Florentine Index and appear from the excerpts in the Digest, were : -- Decem Libri Actionum, Sex Interdictorum Quatuor de Officio Proconsulis, Tres Publicorum or De Publicis Judiciis, and Novemdecem Stipulationum. The title Venul. Libri Septem Disp. (Dig. 46. tit. 7. s. 18) is manifestly erroneous, as appears from the titles of the two following extracts; and we must either read Stipulationum in place of Disputationum, or we must read Ulp. in place of Venul. The work De Poenis Paganorum is erroneously attributed to Venuleius in the Florentine Index.
There are seventy-one excerpts from Venuleius in the Digest. (Zimmern, Geschichte des Röm. Privatrechts, i. p. 379.)