the grandson of the sister of the historian, was adopted by the latter, and inherited his great wealth. In imiitation of Maecenas, he preferred remaining a Roman eques; and without the dignity of a senator, he possessed more influence in the state than those who had been distinguished by consulships and triumphs. Though given to luxury, and affecting to care only for his personal enjoyments, he possessed great vigour of mind. and capacity for public business. For many years he was second only to Maecenas in the confidence of Augustus. and on the fall of that favourite he became the principal adviser of the emperor. He enjoyed the same distinction at first under Tiberius, and having been privy to the murder of Agrippa Postumus, he recommended Livia, when the matter was mentioned in the senate, not to allow the imperial secrets to be discussed in that body. In A. D. 16 he was employed by Tiberius to apprehend the false Agrippa. He died in A. D. 20, at an advanced age, having lost the real confidence of the emperor some time previously, though he continued nominally to be one of his friends (Tac. Ann. 1.6, 2.40, 3.30; Senec. de Clem. 10). He possessed valuable copper mines in the Alpine country of the Centrones (Plin. Nat. 34.2). The Sallustius, whom Horace attacked in one of his Satires (Sat. 1.2. 48), is probably the same person as the preceding; but at a later period, when the poet became acquainted with the imperial court, he addressed one of his odes to him. (Carm. 2.2.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890