2. Of Mytilene (Strab. xiii. p.617), son of Lesbonax the rhetorician, was himself a rhetorician, in the time of Tiberius Caesar, whose favour he enjoyed (Suidas, s. v.). Westermann, indeed, makes him a teacher of Tiberius, but this is stated nowhere else (Geschichte Griech. Bered. p. 106). He is mentioned as an authority regarding Alexander the Great, by Plutarch (Plut. Alex. 61). It is, probably, he whom Lucian states to have attained the age of ninety (luacrob. § 23). Suidas informs us that, in addition to his life of Alexander the Great, he wrote several other works, namely, Ὥροι Σαμίων, Βρούτου ἐγκώμιον, Περὶ τελείου ῥήτορος. And, to the treatises mentioned by Suidas, should probably be added that περὶ τῆς διαφορᾶς, quoted by Ammonius in his treatise περὶ ὁμοίων καὶ διαφόρων λέξεων, s. v. ἐρωτᾷν. (Suidas, s. vv. Θεοδώρος Γαδαρεὺς, Λεσβώναξ, Ποτάμων.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890