a Roman jurist, who is not mentioned by Pomponiua, though he lived before Pomponius. That he was a jurist of some note may be inferred from the fact that Paulus wrote eighteen Libri ad Plautium [PAULUS, JULIUS]. Javolenus also wrote five books ad Plautium or ex Plautio, and Pomponius seven books. Plautiua cited Castit. sius. (Dig. 34. tit. 2. s. 8) and Proculus (dig. 35. tit. l. s. 43), and was cited by Neratius priscus, who wrote Libri ex Plautio [NERATIUS PRISCUS]. Plautius therefore lived about the time of Vespasian. (Grotius, Vitae Jarisconsult.; Zimmern, Geschichte des Röm. Pricatrechts, p. 322 : Vatican.
Frag. § 74, 82; and § 77, which is a testimony to the merits of Plautius; Wieling, Jurisprudentia Restituta, p. 338.) [G.L]