plebeian. The name is also written Plolius, just as we have both Clodius and Claudius. The first person of this gens who obtained the consulship was C. Plautius Proculus in B. C. 358; and from that time down to the imperial period many of the Plautii held at different intervals the highest offices in the state. Under the republic we find the cognomens of DECIANUS, HYPSAEUS, PROCULUS, SILVANUS, VENNO, VENOX: and to these there were still further additions in the time of the empire, a list of which is given below. A few of the Plautii occur without any surname; and of them an account is also given below. Those persons whose names are usually written plotius are spoken of under this form. The only cognomens occurring on coins are Hypsacus and Plancus ; and the latter surname does not properly belong to the Plotii, but was retained by Munatius Plancus after he had been adopted by L. Plautius. [PLANCUS, No. 5.]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890