(Φοιβίδας), a Lacedaemonian, who, in B. C. 382, at the breaking out of the Olynthian war, was appointed to the command of the troops destined to reinforce his brother Eudamidas, who had been sent against Olyrthus. On his way Phoebidas halted at Thebes, and, with the aid of Leontiades and his party, treacherously made him self master of the Cadimeia. According to Diodorus he had received secret orders from the Spartan go vernment to do so, if occasion should offer; while Xenophon merely tells us that, being a man of more gallantry than prudence, and loving a dashing action better than his life, he listened readily to the persuasions of Leontiades. Be that as it may, Agesilaus vindicated his proceedings, on the sole ground that they were expedient for the state, and the Spartans resolved to keep the advantage they had gained; but, as if they could tllereby save their credit in Greece, they fined Phoelbidas 100,000 drachllas, and sent Lysanoridas to supersede him in the command. When Agesilaus retired from Boeotia after his campaign there in B. C. 378, Phloebidas was left behind by him as harmost, at Thespiae, Land annoyed the Thebans greatly by his continued invasions of their territory. To make reprisals, therefore, they marched with their whole army into the Thespian country, where, however, Phoebidas effectually checked their ravages with his light-armed troops, and at length forced them to a retreat, during which he pressed on their rear with good hopes of utterly routing them. But finding their progress stopped by a thick wood, they took heart of necessity and wheeled round on their pursuers, charging then with their cavalry, putting thleml to flight. Phoebidas himself, with two or three others, kept his post, and was slainl, fighting bravely. This is the account of Xenophon. Diodorus, on the other hand, tells us that he fell in a sally from Thespiae, which the Thebans had attacked. (Xen. Hell. 5.2. §§ 24, & 4. §§ 41-46; Diod. 15.20, 33; Plut. Ages. 23, 24, Pelop. 5, 6, de Gen. Soc. 1; Plb. 4.27 ; Polyaen. 2.5.)
[E.E]A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890