2. The MEGARIAN or DIALECTICIAN, was a disciple of Diodorus Cronus, and a friend of Zenon, though older than the latter, if the reading in Diogenes Läertins (7.16) is correct. In his Menexenus he mentioned the five daughters of his teacher (Clem. Alex. Strom. iv. p. 528a. ed. Potter), and disputed with him respecting the idea of the possible, and the criteria of the truth of hypothetical propositions. With reference to the first point Philon approximated to Aristotle, as he recognized that not only what is, or will be, is possible (as Diodorns maintained), but also what is in itself
The Philon who is spoken of as an Athenian and a disciple of Pyrrhon, though ridiculed by Timon as a sophist, can hardly be different from Philon the dialectician (D. L. 9.67, 69). Hieronymus (Jov. 1) speaks of Philon the dialectician and the author of the Menexenus, as the instructor of Carneades, in contradiction to chronology, perhaps in order to indicate the sceptical direction of his doctrines.