23. Of NICOMEDEIA. Of the prelates, who with certain deacons and monks had to clear themselves in the third Constantinopolitan or sixth oecumenical council (A. D. 680), from the suspicion of holding the Monothelite heresy, the leader was Peter, metropolitan of Nicomedeia. Peter and his companions appeared before the council, and delivered to them, upon oath, solemn written confessions of their belief in the orthodox doctrine of two wills in Christ; the confessions were of considerable length, and all exactly alike, and are given in the original Greek with a considerable hiatus, but completely in a Latin version in the Acta Concilii CPolitani III., Actio x.; or according to one of the Latin versions of the Acta given by Hardouin, in Actio ix. (Concilia, vol vi. col. 784, 842, ed. Labbe, vol. iii. col. 1202, 1248, 1537, 1561, ed. Hlardouin ; Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 680, vol. i. p. 595.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890