(Πασικράτης), physician who appears to have given much attention to the preparation of surgical apparatus, as his name is several times mentioned by Oribasius in his book on that subject (De Machin. cc. 26, 29, 31, pp. 182, 183, 190, 192). He was the father of
Aristion [*](* In the extract front Oribasius, given by Ang. Mai, in the fourth vol. of his "Classici Auctores e Vaticanis Codicibus editi" (Rom. 8vo. 1831), we should read υἱόνinstead of πατέρα, in p. 152, 50.23, and Ἀριστίων instead of Ἀρτίων, in p. 158, 50.10) (ibid. cc. 24, 26, pp. 180, 183), and as he lived probably after Nymphodorus ibidd. p. 180) and before Heliodorus (p. 160), he may be conjectured to have lived in the second or first century B. C. He is probably the physician quoted by Asclepiades Pharmacion ap. Gall. De Compos. Medicam,sec. Locos, 8.8, vol. xiii. p. 213. If, with Mead (De Numis qnibusdam a Smyrnaeis in Honorem Medicorum percitsis, p. 51) and Fabricins (Bibl. Graec. vol. xiii. p. 357, ed. vet.), we suppose that certain coins with the nane of Pasicrate upon them, were struck in honour of this physician, we may add to the above particulars, that he was a native of Smyrna, and a follower of Erasistratus ; that his grandtfather's naine was Pasicrates, andl his father's Capiro; and that he was brother of Menodorus, and ftaher of Metrodorus. [W.A.G]