(Νυμφόδωρος), literary.
1. A Greek historian, of Amphipolis. The time at
which he lived is unknown, but he was the author of a work entitled Νόμιμα Ἁσίας, that is, the Laws or Customs of Asia, of which the third book is mentioned by Clemens of Alexandria (Strom. i. p. 139; comp. Protrept. 19), who quotes from it a passage concerning some Egyptian customs. In the second of the passages here cited Clemens calls the work Νόμιμα Βαρβαρικά, but there can be no doubt that it was the same production as the Νόμιμα Ἀσίας. Sometimes it is referred to under the brief title of Νόμοι. (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. 2.1010, 1031, 3.202, 4.1470.) The Scholiast on Sophocles (Oed. Col. 337) quotes the thirteenth book of this work; but the whole is lost, and only a very few fragments have been transmitted to us.