7. MarciaFurnilla, the second wife of the emperor Titus, was divorced by her husband after the death of their daughter Julia. (Suet. Tit. 4.) Some commentators propose changing the name of Furnilla into Fulvia or Fulvilla, on the authority of a coin which bears the legend Φουλβία Σεβαστή. But the coin is of rather doubtful authority; and even if it be genuine it may refer to Fulvia Plautilla, the wife of Caracalla. It is very improbable that a coin should be struck in honour of a woman that had been divorced, and that the title of Augusta should be given to her. (Eckhel, vol. vii. p. 364.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology
Smith, William
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. William Smith, LLD, ed. 1890