(Μαρῖνος), a celebrated physician and anatomist, who must have lived in the first and second centuries after Christ, as Quintus, Galen's tutor, was one of his pupils (Galen, Comment. in Hippocr. "De Nat. Hom." 2.6, vol. xv. p. 136). He wrote numerous anatomical treatises (or else one long work in twenty books), which Galen
abridged, and of which he gives a short analysis (De Libris Propriis, 100.3, vol. xix. p. 25). Galen frequently mentions him in terms of commendation, and says he was one of the restorers of anatomical science (De Hippocr. et Plat. Deer. 8.1, vol. v. p. 650). He appears also to have written a commentary on the aphorisms of Hippocrates, which is twice quoted by Galen (Comment. in Hippocr. "Aphor." 7.13, 54, vol. xviii. pt. i. pp. 113, 163).It is uncertain whether this anatomist is the same person as the Postumius Marinus, the physician to the younger Pliny (Plin. Epist. x. 6); and also whether he is the person whose medical formulae are quoted by Andromachus (Galen, De Compos. Medicamn. sec. Locos, 7.2, vol. xiii. p. 25) and Avicenna (Canon, 5.1, 8. p. 306, ed. 1595).